
Sports pages now posted in today's online edition

J.Johnson3 months ago
Weather Alert

...* WHAT...Heavy lake effect snow. Total snow accumulations of 5 to10 inches in the southern-half of the county and 10 to 15 inchesin the northern-half of the county.* WHERE...Crawford County.* WHEN...From 7 AM this morning to 7 AM EST Wednesday.* IMPACTS...Travel will be very difficult or impossible at times.Blowing snow will significantly reduce visibility. The hazardousconditions could impact the morning and evening commutes.* he heaviest snow and most significantimpacts are expected late tonight through Tuesday, when snowfallrates of 1 to 2 inches per hour will occur within the heaviestsnow bands.PRECAUTIONARY/f you must travel, keep an extra flashlight, food, and water inyour vehicle in case of an emergency.The latest road conditions for the state you are calling from canbe obtained by calling 5 1 1.The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation and PennsylvaniaTurnpike Commission strongly encourage motorists to heed alltravel restrictions and delay unnecessary travel. for the latest travel, roadway, and trafficconditions.&&