
St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Princeton to celebrate 175 years on July 14

M.Hernandez13 hr ago
Roots of the congregation known as The Church on the Hill began with the immigration of German Lutheran families in 1834.

Services were conducted in their cabins until the church was formally organized on March 3, 1849, in the home of Theodore Walter. At that meeting, land was donated for a church building by Carl Walter, the great-great –grandfather of Ramona Wedding of Princeton . A few years later a church was built "on top of the hill." Norma Martin is the oldest living member of our congregation.

Generations of many families have served as church leaders, Sunday school teachers and in many other areas. These families have seen their children and grandchildren confirmed and married in the church.

Many memories are being recalled as St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church celebrates its 175th anniversary July 14 and Sept. 15. A special organ concert by former member John Linker, music director at Christ Church Transitional Cathedral, New Zealand, is open to the public at 1:30 p.m. July 14. The church is located at 15199 2825 E Street, Princeton. A freewill offering will go to a local charity. Refreshments will follow the concert in the fellowship hall. A special anniversary homecoming service at 9:30 a.m. Sept. 15 will be led by our Bishop Stacie Fidlar.