
St. Paul discourages donations to panhandlers in busy intersections

C.Wright27 min ago

If you're a driver stopped at a busy St. Paul intersection, think twice before sharing your petty change with panhandlers.

That's the official word from City Hall, which is installing signage in 11 intersections across St. Paul in an attempt to discourage giving to those begging for money. The city's "Be the Solution" campaign launched last week with a new website that encourages charitable donations to official service providers and a sign in the northwest corner of Dale Street and Rondo Avenue, formerly known as Concordia Avenue.

The street sign depicts a hand putting money into another hand — with the entire image crossed out, as in don't do it.

"For everyone's safety, don't give in roadways," reads the signage. "Contribute to the solution at"

The goal, according to St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter's office and St. Paul Public Works, is to steer those in need away from dangerously busy intersections and toward services better geared to help them.

"Today, the city of St. Paul is launching the Be the Solution campaign, a citywide initiative that will transform individual acts of charity into collective action to support lasting change among residents in need," reads a Sept. 25 written announcement from the mayor's office. "The initiative also expands on the city's efforts to maintain safe roadways for everyone."

Public Works street maintenance crews will install the new signage at high-traffic intersections "to raise awareness of the safety concerns associated with both pedestrians and drivers stopping in the public right-of-way to ask or administer assistance," according to the statement.

The initiative encourages alternate ways to support those in need, such as donations to local service providers through Ramsey County's Heading Home Ramsey Continuum of Care.

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