
Surrogate Moms Have Higher Rates of Pregnancy Complications

J.Jones39 min ago
This product covers West Central and Southwest Florida****NEW INFORMATION-* torm Surge Watch and Hurricane Watch have been issued forCoastal Citrus, Coastal Hernando, Coastal Hillsborough, CoastalLevy, Coastal Manatee, Coastal Pasco, Coastal Sarasota, andPinellas- A Storm Surge Watch and Tropical Storm Watch have been issuedfor Coastal Charlotte and Coastal Lee- A Hurricane Watch has been issued for Inland Citrus, InlandHernando, Inland Levy, and Inland Pasco- A Tropical Storm Watch has been issued for DeSoto, Hardee,Inland Charlotte, Inland Hillsborough, Inland Lee, InlandManatee, Inland Sarasota, Polk, and Sumter* torm Surge Watch and Hurricane Watch are in effect forCoastal Citrus, Coastal Hernando, Coastal Hillsborough, CoastalLevy, Coastal Manatee, Coastal Pasco, Coastal Sarasota, andPinellas- A Storm Surge Watch and Tropical Storm Watch are in effect forCoastal Charlotte and Coastal Lee- A Hurricane Watch is in effect for Inland Citrus, InlandHernando, Inland Levy, and Inland Pasco- A Tropical Storm Watch is in effect for DeSoto, Hardee, InlandCharlotte, Inland Hillsborough, Inland Lee, Inland Manatee,Inland Sarasota, Polk, and Sumter* bout 710 miles south of Cedar Key FL or about 600 miles southof Mouth of Tampa Bay FL- 18.9N 83.0W- Storm Intensity 35 mph- Movement Northwest or 315 degrees at 8 mphotential Tropical Cyclone Nine centered in the northwest CaribbeanSea is forecast to continue to organize and more northwest todaybefore moving into the southern Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday.Widespread impacts are expected across West-central and SouthwestFlorida beginning Wednesday night and Thursday.* Storm Surge - Life threatening storm surge of 10 to 15 feet fromChassahowitzka to Suwannee River. Life threatening storm surge of 6to 10 feet from Anclote River to Chassahowitzka. Life threatening stormsurge of 5 to 8 feet from Middle of Longboat Key to Anclote River.Life threatening storm surge of 4 to 7 feet from Englewood to Middle ofLongboat Key. Storm surge of 3 to 5 feet from Bonita Beach to Englewood.* Rain - Flooding rain threat will run from Wednesday evening throughThursday evening with rainfall amounts of 3 to 6 inches with locallyhigher amounts up to 10 inches possible.* Wind - Hurricane and tropical storm force winds will be possibleWednesday night and Thursday with the highest probabilities along thecoast.* Tornadoes - Tornadoes are possible Thursday, especially across theNature Coast and Tampa Bay area.* SURGE:Prepare for life-threatening surge having possible catastrophicimpacts across coastal portions of the Nature Coast and West-CentralFlorida. Potential impacts in this area include:- Widespread deep inundation, with storm surge flooding greatlyaccentuated by powerful battering waves. Structural damage tobuildings, with many washing away. Damage greatly compoundedfrom considerable floating debris. Locations may beuninhabitable for an extended period.- Near-shore escape routes and secondary roads washed out orseverely flooded. Flood control systems and barriers may becomestressed.- Extreme beach erosion. New shoreline cuts possible.- Massive damage to marinas, docks, boardwalks, and piers.Numerous small craft broken away from moorings with many liftedonshore and stranded.* FLOODING RAIN:Prepare for life-threatening rainfall flooding having possibleextensive impacts across West-Central and Southwest Florida. Potentialimpacts include:- Major rainfall flooding may prompt many evacuations and rescues.- Rivers and tributaries may rapidly overflow their banks inmultiple places. Small streams, creeks, canals, and ditches maybecome dangerous rivers. Flood control systems and barriers maybecome stressed.- Flood waters can enter many structures within multiplecommunities, some structures becoming uninhabitable or washedaway. Many places where flood waters may cover escape routes.Streets and parking lots become rivers of moving water withunderpasses submerged. Driving conditions become dangerous.Many road and bridge closures with some weakened or washed out.* WIND:Prepare for life-threatening wind having possible extensive impactsacross the Nature Coast and coastal portions of west-central andsouthwest Florida. Potential impacts in this area include:- Considerable roof damage to sturdy buildings, with some havingwindow, door, and garage door failures leading to structuraldamage. Mobile homes severely damaged, with some destroyed.Damage accentuated by airborne projectiles. Locations may beuninhabitable for weeks.- Many large trees snapped or uprooted along with fences androadway signs blown over.- Some roads impassable from large debris, and more within urbanor heavily wooded places. Several bridges, causeways, andaccess routes impassable.- Large areas with power and communications outages.Also, prepare for dangerous wind having possible limited tosignificant impacts across inland portions of west-central and southwestFlorida.* TORNADOES:Prepare for a tornado event having possible limited impacts across theNature Coast and Tampa Bay area. Potential impacts include:- The occurrence of isolated tornadoes can hinder the executionof emergency plans during tropical events.- A few places may experience tornado damage, along with powerand communications disruptions.- Locations could realize roofs peeled off buildings, chimneystoppled, mobile homes pushed off foundations or overturned,large tree tops and branches snapped off, shallow-rooted treesknocked over, moving vehicles blown off roads, and boats pulledfrom moorings.Elsewhere across West Central and Southwest Florida, little to noimpact is anticipated.PRECAUTIONARY/* EVACUATIONS:Follow the advice of local officials.* hen making safety and preparedness decisions, do not focus on theexact forecast track since hazards such as flooding rain, damagingwind gusts, storm surge, and tornadoes extend well away from thecenter of the storm.If in a place that is vulnerable to high wind, such as near largetrees, a manufactured home, upper floors of a high-rise building, oron a boat, plan to move to safe shelter.If you live in a place particularly vulnerable to flooding, such asnear the ocean or a large inland lake, in a low-lying or poordrainage area, or near an already swollen river, plan to move to safeshelter on higher ground.Always heed the advice of local officials and comply with orders thatare issued. Do not needlessly jeopardize your life or the lives ofothers.When securing your property, outside preparations should be concludedas soon as possible before conditions deteriorate. The onset ofstrong gusty winds or flooding can cause certain preparednessactivities to become unsafe.Check on those who may not be fully aware of the situation or who areunable to make personal preparations.If you are a visitor, know the name of the county or parish in whichyou are located and where it is relative to current watches andwarnings. If staying at a hotel, ask the management staff about theironsite disaster plan. Listen for evacuation orders, especiallypertaining to area visitors.Closely monitor, NOAA Weather Radio and local newsoutlets for official storm information. Listen for possible changesto the forecast.* or information on appropriate preparations see For information on creating an emergency plan see For additional disaster preparedness information see redcross.orgNEXT UPDATE-The next local statement will be issued by the National WeatherService in Tampa Bay Ruskin FL around 12 PM EDT, or sooner ifconditions warrant. ...urricane Watch means hurricane-force winds are possible somewherewithin this area within the next 48 hours* ade City- Zephyrhills- Land O Lakes* elow tropical storm force wind- Peak Wind Forecast: 25-35 mph with gusts to 55 mph- otential for wind 58to 73 mph- PLAN: Plan for dangerous wind of equivalent strong tropicalstorm force.- PREPARE: Efforts to protect life and property should now beunderway. Prepare for significant wind damage.- ACT: Act now to complete preparations before the windbecomes hazardous.- POTENTIAL IMPACTS: Significant- Some damage to roofing and siding materials, along withdamage to porches, awnings, carports, and sheds. A fewbuildings experiencing window, door, and garage doorfailures. Mobile homes damaged, especially if unanchored.Unsecured lightweight objects become dangerous projectiles.- Several large trees snapped or uprooted, but with greaternumbers in places where trees are shallow rooted. Severalfences and roadway signs blown over.- Some roads impassable from large debris, and more withinurban or heavily wooded places. A few bridges, causeways,and access routes impassable.- Scattered power and communications outages, but moreprevalent in areas with above ground lines.* STORM SURGE- No storm surge inundation forecast- ittle to no stormsurge flooding- PLAN: There is little to no threat of storm surge flooding.Rough surf, coastal erosion, and life-threatening ripcurrents are possible.- PREPARE: Little to no preparations for storm surge floodingare needed.- ACT: Follow the instructions of local officials. Monitorforecasts.- POTENTIAL IMPACTS: Little to None- Little to no potential impacts from storm surge flooding.* lood Watch is in effect- Peak Rainfall Amounts: 3-6 inches, with locally higheramounts- otential formoderate flooding rain- PLAN: Emergency plans should include the potential formoderate flooding from heavy rain. Evacuations and rescuesare possible.- PREPARE: Consider protective actions if you are in an areavulnerable to flooding.- ACT: Heed any flood watches and warnings. Failure to takeaction may result in serious injury or loss of life.- POTENTIAL IMPACTS: Significant- Moderate rainfall flooding may prompt several evacuationsand rescues.- Rivers and tributaries may quickly become swollen withswifter currents and overspill their banks in a few places,especially in usually vulnerable spots. Small streams,creeks, canals, and ditches overflow.- Flood waters can enter some structures or weakenfoundations. Several places may experience expanded areasof rapid inundation at underpasses, low-lying spots, andpoor drainage areas. Some streets and parking lots take onmoving water as storm drains and retention ponds overflow.Driving conditions become hazardous. Some road and bridgeclosures.* ituation is somewhat favorable for tornadoes- otential for a fewtornadoes- PLAN: Emergency plans should include the potential for afew tornadoes.- PREPARE: If your shelter is particularly vulnerable totornadoes, prepare to relocate to safe shelter beforehazardous weather arrives.- ACT: If a tornado warning is issued, be ready to shelterquickly.- POTENTIAL IMPACTS: Limited- The occurrence of isolated tornadoes can hinder theexecution of emergency plans during tropical events.- A few places may experience tornado damage, along withpower and communications disruptions.- Locations could realize roofs peeled off buildings,chimneys toppled, mobile homes pushed off foundations oroverturned, large tree tops and branches snapped off,shallow-rooted trees knocked over, moving vehicles blownoff roads, and boats pulled from moorings.* his product covers West Central and Southwest Florida****NEW INFORMATION-* torm Surge Watch and Hurricane Watch have been issued forCoastal Citrus, Coastal Hernando, Coastal Hillsborough, CoastalLevy, Coastal Manatee, Coastal Pasco, Coastal Sarasota, andPinellas- A Storm Surge Watch and Tropical Storm Watch have been issuedfor Coastal Charlotte and Coastal Lee- A Hurricane Watch has been issued for Inland Citrus, InlandHernando, Inland Levy, and Inland Pasco- A Tropical Storm Watch has been issued for DeSoto, Hardee,Inland Charlotte, Inland Hillsborough, Inland Lee, InlandManatee, Inland Sarasota, Polk, and Sumter* torm Surge Watch and Hurricane Watch are in effect forCoastal Citrus, Coastal Hernando, Coastal Hillsborough, CoastalLevy, Coastal Manatee, Coastal Pasco, Coastal Sarasota, andPinellas- A Storm Surge Watch and Tropical Storm Watch are in effect forCoastal Charlotte and Coastal Lee- A Hurricane Watch is in effect for Inland Citrus, InlandHernando, Inland Levy, and Inland Pasco- A Tropical Storm Watch is in effect for DeSoto, Hardee, InlandCharlotte, Inland Hillsborough, Inland Lee, Inland Manatee,Inland Sarasota, Polk, and Sumter* bout 710 miles south of Cedar Key FL or about 600 miles southof Mouth of Tampa Bay FL- 18.9N 83.0W- Storm Intensity 35 mph- Movement Northwest or 315 degrees at 8 mphotential Tropical Cyclone Nine centered in the northwest CaribbeanSea is forecast to continue to organize and more northwest todaybefore moving into the southern Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday.Widespread impacts are expected across West-central and SouthwestFlorida beginning Wednesday night and Thursday.* Storm Surge - Life threatening storm surge of 10 to 15 feet fromChassahowitzka to Suwannee River. Life threatening storm surge of 6to 10 feet from Anclote River to Chassahowitzka. Life threatening stormsurge of 5 to 8 feet from Middle of Longboat Key to Anclote River.Life threatening storm surge of 4 to 7 feet from Englewood to Middle ofLongboat Key. Storm surge of 3 to 5 feet from Bonita Beach to Englewood.* Rain - Flooding rain threat will run from Wednesday evening throughThursday evening with rainfall amounts of 3 to 6 inches with locallyhigher amounts up to 10 inches possible.* Wind - Hurricane and tropical storm force winds will be possibleWednesday night and Thursday with the highest probabilities along thecoast.* Tornadoes - Tornadoes are possible Thursday, especially across theNature Coast and Tampa Bay area.* SURGE:Prepare for life-threatening surge having possible catastrophicimpacts across coastal portions of the Nature Coast and West-CentralFlorida. Potential impacts in this area include:- Widespread deep inundation, with storm surge flooding greatlyaccentuated by powerful battering waves. Structural damage tobuildings, with many washing away. Damage greatly compoundedfrom considerable floating debris. Locations may beuninhabitable for an extended period.- Near-shore escape routes and secondary roads washed out orseverely flooded. Flood control systems and barriers may becomestressed.- Extreme beach erosion. New shoreline cuts possible.- Massive damage to marinas, docks, boardwalks, and piers.Numerous small craft broken away from moorings with many liftedonshore and stranded.* FLOODING RAIN:Prepare for life-threatening rainfall flooding having possibleextensive impacts across West-Central and Southwest Florida. Potentialimpacts include:- Major rainfall flooding may prompt many evacuations and rescues.- Rivers and tributaries may rapidly overflow their banks inmultiple places. Small streams, creeks, canals, and ditches maybecome dangerous rivers. Flood control systems and barriers maybecome stressed.- Flood waters can enter many structures within multiplecommunities, some structures becoming uninhabitable or washedaway. Many places where flood waters may cover escape routes.Streets and parking lots become rivers of moving water withunderpasses submerged. Driving conditions become dangerous.Many road and bridge closures with some weakened or washed out.* WIND:Prepare for life-threatening wind having possible extensive impactsacross the Nature Coast and coastal portions of west-central andsouthwest Florida. Potential impacts in this area include:- Considerable roof damage to sturdy buildings, with some havingwindow, door, and garage door failures leading to structuraldamage. Mobile homes severely damaged, with some destroyed.Damage accentuated by airborne projectiles. Locations may beuninhabitable for weeks.- Many large trees snapped or uprooted along with fences androadway signs blown over.- Some roads impassable from large debris, and more within urbanor heavily wooded places. Several bridges, causeways, andaccess routes impassable.- Large areas with power and communications outages.Also, prepare for dangerous wind having possible limited tosignificant impacts across inland portions of west-central and southwestFlorida.* TORNADOES:Prepare for a tornado event having possible limited impacts across theNature Coast and Tampa Bay area. Potential impacts include:- The occurrence of isolated tornadoes can hinder the executionof emergency plans during tropical events.- A few places may experience tornado damage, along with powerand communications disruptions.- Locations could realize roofs peeled off buildings, chimneystoppled, mobile homes pushed off foundations or overturned,large tree tops and branches snapped off, shallow-rooted treesknocked over, moving vehicles blown off roads, and boats pulledfrom moorings.Elsewhere across West Central and Southwest Florida, little to noimpact is anticipated.PRECAUTIONARY/* EVACUATIONS:Follow the advice of local officials.* hen making safety and preparedness decisions, do not focus on theexact forecast track since hazards such as flooding rain, damagingwind gusts, storm surge, and tornadoes extend well away from thecenter of the storm.If in a place that is vulnerable to high wind, such as near largetrees, a manufactured home, upper floors of a high-rise building, oron a boat, plan to move to safe shelter.If you live in a place particularly vulnerable to flooding, such asnear the ocean or a large inland lake, in a low-lying or poordrainage area, or near an already swollen river, plan to move to safeshelter on higher ground.Always heed the advice of local officials and comply with orders thatare issued. Do not needlessly jeopardize your life or the lives ofothers.When securing your property, outside preparations should be concludedas soon as possible before conditions deteriorate. The onset ofstrong gusty winds or flooding can cause certain preparednessactivities to become unsafe.Check on those who may not be fully aware of the situation or who areunable to make personal preparations.If you are a visitor, know the name of the county or parish in whichyou are located and where it is relative to current watches andwarnings. If staying at a hotel, ask the management staff about theironsite disaster plan. Listen for evacuation orders, especiallypertaining to area visitors.Closely monitor, NOAA Weather Radio and local newsoutlets for official storm information. Listen for possible changesto the forecast.* or information on appropriate preparations see For information on creating an emergency plan see For additional disaster preparedness information see redcross.orgNEXT UPDATE-The next local statement will be issued by the National WeatherService in Tampa Bay Ruskin FL around 12 PM EDT, or sooner ifconditions warrant. ...urricane Watch means hurricane-force winds are possible somewherewithin this area within the next 48 hoursA Storm Surge Watch means life-threatening inundation, from risingwater moving inland from the coastline, is possible somewhere withinthis area within the next 48 hours* ort Richey- Hudson- Holiday* quivalent Strong Tropical Storm forcewind- Peak Wind Forecast: 45-60 mph with gusts to 80 mph- Window for Tropical Storm force winds: Thursday morninguntil early Friday morning- otential for wind 74to 110 mph- PLAN: Plan for life-threatening wind of equivalent CAT 1 or2 hurricane force.- PREPARE: Efforts to protect life and property should now berigorously underway. Prepare for considerable wind damage.- ACT: Act now to complete preparations before the windbecomes hazardous.- POTENTIAL IMPACTS: Extensive- Considerable roof damage to sturdy buildings, with somehaving window, door, and garage door failures leading tostructural damage. Mobile homes severely damaged, with somedestroyed. Damage accentuated by airborne projectiles.Locations may be uninhabitable for weeks.- Many large trees snapped or uprooted along with fences androadway signs blown over.- Some roads impassable from large debris, and more withinurban or heavily wooded places. Several bridges, causeways,and access routes impassable.- Large areas with power and communications outages.* ife-threatening storm surge possible- Peak Storm Surge Inundation: The potential for 7-10 feetabove ground somewhere within surge prone areas- Window of concern: Begins early Thursday morning- otential for stormsurge flooding greater than 9 feet above ground- PLAN: Plan for extreme life-threatening storm surgeflooding greater than 9 feet above ground.- PREPARE: Evacuation preparations should be underway.Assemble disaster supplies and know your evacuation route.- ACT: Leave if evacuation orders are given for your area.Failure to heed evacuation orders may result in the loss ofyour life.- POTENTIAL IMPACTS: Devastating to Catastrophic- Widespread deep inundation, with storm surge floodinggreatly accentuated by powerful battering waves. Structuraldamage to buildings, with many washing away. Damage greatlycompounded from considerable floating debris. Locations maybe uninhabitable for an extended period.- Near-shore escape routes and secondary roads washed out orseverely flooded. Flood control systems and barriers maybecome stressed.- Extreme beach erosion. New shoreline cuts possible.- Massive damage to marinas, docks, boardwalks, and piers.Numerous small craft broken away from moorings with manylifted onshore and stranded.* lood Watch is in effect- Peak Rainfall Amounts: 3-6 inches, with locally higheramounts- otential formoderate flooding rain- PLAN: Emergency plans should include the potential formoderate flooding from heavy rain. Evacuations and rescuesare possible.- PREPARE: Consider protective actions if you are in an areavulnerable to flooding.- ACT: Heed any flood watches and warnings. Failure to takeaction may result in serious injury or loss of life.- POTENTIAL IMPACTS: Significant- Moderate rainfall flooding may prompt several evacuationsand rescues.- Rivers and tributaries may quickly become swollen withswifter currents and overspill their banks in a few places,especially in usually vulnerable spots. Small streams,creeks, canals, and ditches overflow.- Flood waters can enter some structures or weakenfoundations. Several places may experience expanded areasof rapid inundation at underpasses, low-lying spots, andpoor drainage areas. Some streets and parking lots take onmoving water as storm drains and retention ponds overflow.Driving conditions become hazardous. Some road and bridgeclosures.* ituation is somewhat favorable for tornadoes- otential for a fewtornadoes- PLAN: Emergency plans should include the potential for afew tornadoes.- PREPARE: If your shelter is particularly vulnerable totornadoes, prepare to relocate to safe shelter beforehazardous weather arrives.- ACT: If a tornado warning is issued, be ready to shelterquickly.- POTENTIAL IMPACTS: Limited- The occurrence of isolated tornadoes can hinder theexecution of emergency plans during tropical events.- A few places may experience tornado damage, along withpower and communications disruptions.- Locations could realize roofs peeled off buildings,chimneys toppled, mobile homes pushed off foundations oroverturned, large tree tops and branches snapped off,shallow-rooted trees knocked over, moving vehicles blownoff roads, and boats pulled from moorings.*