
Templemore Garda College welcomes 108 new recruits in graduation ceremony

C.Thompson40 min ago
Justice Minister Helen McEntee and Garda Commissioner Drew Harris oversaw the attestation ceremony of 108 fresh recruits, Intake 235.

Of the new recruits, 80 are men, 28 are women – a 74pc male, 26pc female split – while nine gardaí were born outside the state, in Slovakia, Poland, Romania, India, Lithuania, and Ethiopia. One probationer is a former Reserve Garda. The strength of An Garda Síochána now stands at 14,146 sworn gardaí, 3,609 garda staff, and 323 garda reserves.

A further 343 Garda recruits, two intakes, are currently undergoing the training programme at the Garda College. The next intake scheduled to enter the Garda College on Monday, September 23.

The 108 newly attested Gardaí bring to 818 the number of probationer gardaí attested since recruitment recommenced in 2022 following Covid-19 restrictions paused recruitment in 2020.

The newly sworn members will be allocated in the Dublin Region (74), Eastern Region (16), Southern Region (10), and North Western Region (8).

Polish born Pawel Skutela, who has been living in Limerick, said he wanted to join the gardaí to "bring in the diversity and support, you know, language wise as well."

"I want to help people from all countries, all nations, and I think my ability to grasp language is very fast as well." Is he worried about hostility towards immigrants? "No, not at all. There's hostility everywhere, but, you know, you just got to take it on the on the chin and, you know, work with it."

How does he feel about going into dangerous situations? "Somebody has to do it, you know. I feel like I can take it on, and, give my best and that's just kind of the passion for it."

What does his Polish friends think of him joining the gardaí? "They're very proud of me. They're surprised, you know, previously, you couldn't join if you weren't Irish, and now we're opening up. We're getting more diverse and it's a great thing, more and more people are able to join."

Garda Jane Taylor from Drumcondra, will be stationed in Store Street, Dublin. Garda Taylor has been awarded with this year's Gary Sheehan Memorial Medal, given to the best all-round probationer. The recipient will have contributed significantly to life in the college, and distinguished herself in the academic field.

Garda Taylor studied Russian and Italian in Trinity College, before working as a content moderator for Accenture for the Russian market, and later joined the cabin crew with Aer Lingus before feeling the call to join the gardaí.

Did she make the right choice? "I think so. I think I definitely did. I think the languages already benefit me, the diversity of the country."

What about the hostility and abuse? "I think, no matter what job you go into, especially in a job where you are exercising authority, I think you will get abuse. However, I think we have really good support systems, and we have the support of our colleagues.

"I wouldn't be afraid of getting hurt. I think there's just great support out there, and you know, if something happens, you know you would be supported."

Garda Ciarán Fagan is from Westmeath but originally from Manchester. "My Dad is from Westmeath, my Mum was from Roscommon. I'm very proud to be a member of An Garda Siochána."

Why not to Manchester police? "Oh, it's a better organisation here," joked Garda Fagan. "No, it's just fantastic like everyone here in the college from the staff and the tutors have just been absolutely fantastic, the level and standard of training that that have received.

"I feel very confident in in going into the operational environment now, so I'm just very happy to be a member and it's a very proud day for me, and my family."

How will he cope with the hostility and the violence? "You're going to get that, anyway, but with the training we've received from the college, I feel we are we are prepared, and we are we are equipped to deal with that situation if it arises."

Is he afraid? "Not really, no. I'm very confident with the training I've received here in the college. I think I've got a good character and good resolve about me, so I can deal with those situations if they do a arise."

The newly attested 108 members were recruited as part of the 2022/ 2023 recruitment campaigns, and commenced their training in December 2023, having undertaken a blend of on-line learning, on-site learning in the Garda College, and experiential learning in training garda stations.

During their training these new Probationer Gardaí were involved in community based policing, observed and assisted in serious crime investigations, marched during St Patricks Day events, took part in the 2024 Garda recruitment campaign and assisted at community events amongst other events. Intake 235 are the first trainee intake to undergo CBD1 driving assessments while in the Garda College.

Commissioner Drew Harris told the new gardaí: "For the public you will perform an important service. You will protect the vulnerable. You will be a light in the dark. You will make a difference in their lives. This is why being a Garda is a privilege and an honour. This is why it is a job worth doing."