
46th Colony Days Reception Tea honors long-time Atascadero residents

A.Walker29 min ago

Atascadero Colony Days kicks off this week, and local non-profit Quota of Atascadero celebrated early on Sunday by hosting its 46th annual Colony Days Reception Tea.

The event honors people who have lived in Atascadero for at least 45 years and who are at least 50 years old.

Attendees enjoyed refreshments and live entertainment and told stories about living in Atascadero 45 years ago.

"It's the kickoff," Deena Panghorn, the event emcee, said. "It's just a great start to a whole week full of activities."

Organizers say the reception tea happens every year on the Sunday before Colony Days, and is a lighthearted and fun way to learn about Atascadero's history.