
‘Thanksgiving dinner should be cheaper’: Prices of turkeys go down from last year

J.Davis3 months ago
WACO, Texas (KWTX) -Shopping for groceries during the holidays can be stressful for some, but manager of Waco Custom Marketplace Kevin Bettge says it’s the busiest time of the year.

“It definitely is more hectic, but everyone seems to be in a better mood, it’s Christmas time and thanksgiving time.”

According to Bettge, around the holidays, “It gets real calm and then it gets very busy, and we’ll have a line from the meat counter to the door.”

Bettge says the price of ordering turkeys was higher last year, but they try to keep prices consistent throughout the season, this year ranging anywhere from 2 to 4 dollars per pound, a dollar less than the price per pound last year

Economist researcher Ray Perryman with the Perryman group says that due to an increase in the number of turkeys available and efficient delivery of produce, your thanksgiving dinner should be cheaper than last year’s.

“With the turkey’s it basically a question of supply there was a disease issue last year and there were also still shipping issues last year as well that created some difficulty. Fortunately, we didn’t have that this year, so you have a greater supply, and the price has dropped a little bit.”

With a steady supply of turkey and other meats, Bettge expects to keep his rates the same throughout the rest of the year.