
The Consequences of Over

O.Anderson27 min ago

Over-serving alcohol in Philadelphia can have significant legal implications. Alcohol consumption remains a relevant social activity in society. Therefore, it becomes the responsibility of the establishment to make sure people do not overdo it. If you are the owner of an alcohol-serving establishment in PA, it is important that you know the laws.

Dram shop laws in Pennsylvania hold bars, restaurants, and other liquor-serving establishments legally accountable for the actions of their patrons who are visibly intoxicated. If your customer ends up drunk driving, you might be responsible for their actions. As per the law, you cannot serve alcohol to a person who seems clearly intoxicated already.

The scope of dram shop laws is not limited to drivers; they extend to injuries to others, self-harm, or even property damage. If establishments do not follow the law, they face penalties such as hefty fines, loss of licenses, and civil suits. Given the high stakes, you cannot put your business at risk. Hire an attorney from the Quinn Law Group, LLC today.

What are the legal consequences of over-serving alcohol in Pennsylvania?

There are various legal consequences of over-serving alcohol in Pennsylvania. If you are an establishment serving alcohol in Philadelphia, PA, it becomes your responsibility to ensure that you do not serve any more liquor to customers who clearly appear intoxicated. This is because their actions following drinking at your establishment might be your fault.

Pennsylvania's dram shop laws specify that a licensed establishment must not serve alcohol to visibly intoxicated persons or minors. If you fail to adhere to these laws, you will face both civil and criminal accountability.

A lot of this responsibility falls on the bartenders and servers as they interact with the customers directly and can see what state they are in. There may be various signs of intoxication—such as slurred speech, impaired coordination, or aggressive behavior. It is important to learn to recognize these signs to avoid being legally penalized.

What are the financial consequences of over-serving alcohol to already intoxicated people in PA?

Along with legal, there are financial consequences as well. Your business may face immediate financial penalties from authority bodies, which can impact your cash flow and overall revenue. Additionally, you also face the risk of lawsuits. If the plaintiff ends up winning, you may have to pay substantial financial settlements or awards to plaintiffs who may have incurred damages.

In the long term, your establishment might experience some loss of reputation, which could impact your business. Earning respect in the market can take years, but it takes only one bad case to lose it all. You may lose your regular and future patrons and get lower sales. Moreover, people may take to social media to talk about your case, which may result in negative publicity.

It is also important to note the insurance implications of over-serving. When an establishment is found liable for over-serving alcohol, insurance providers may raise premiums due to the increased risk.

Health concerns of the individual

Over-serving alcohol to already intoxicated individuals put them at grave risk. Intoxicated people have poor judgment, which may put them or others in life-threatening situations. The person may drunk drive their vehicle and end up in a road accident. Even if they are a pedestrian, they may injure themselves by suddenly coming in front of a vehicle.

Excessive alcohol consumption can also lead to alcohol poisoning, which shows symptoms like mental confusion, vomiting, and slowed breathing. In serious cases, these symptoms can escalate to life-threatening conditions. In worst cases, this can result in brain damage.

Protect your business from lawsuits!

You are a business owner, and knowing all the laws of your state may not be your strongest suit. If you have accidentally broken the law or your customer got involved in an accident after exiting your premises, you may face some legal trouble. Contact an attorney specializing in dram shop laws in PA today!