
The Gate Escape! Herd of 45 cows push their way out of field and go on the rampage in quiet residential street

W.Johnson18 days ago
Hilarious footage shows the moment a herd of 45 cows broke loose and rampaged through the streets of a quiet residential area.

The cows broke loose in Ripon, North Yorkshire, after pushing through a kissing gate.

In the video, captured on Friday at around 8.10pm, local resident Leon Box, 16, can be seen racing away from the herd as they charge down the street.

Mr Box had gone outside after hearing cows were on the loose but was stunned when he saw them hurtling towards him.

His mother Jess, 36, said the whole family were shocked when the herd of around 45 cows ran straight past their home.

She believes the cows pushed through a gate in their field at the end of their street.

Mrs Box, who works for a housing association, said: 'It sounded like an earthquake.

'My eldest had just got to the corner. A few of his friends have said there are some cows loose. They couldn't see any road just a load of cows.

'My husband came out with our two youngest. He had heard something and thought it was the kids.'

Her electrician husband Matt, 37, and their two other children Charlie, nine, and Archie, seven, watched as the herd ran into their neighbours' gardens and were last seen heading into town.

It took a few hours for all the cows to be herded up, with the help of North Yorkshire police.

Mrs Box added: 'They made a mess. There is quite a lot of poo. It's pretty gross.

'Quite a lot of people have said it's the funniest thing they've seen.'

North Yorkshire Police have been contacted for comment.