
The Public Pulse: Here's who these letter writers will support in this year's election

N.Nguyen2 hr ago


*Editor's note: Today The World-Herald's Public Pulse is featuring letters from contributors who have made their picks in the 2024 election.

Buyer's remorse

Donald Trump MAGA voters seem willing to overlook his moral deficiencies because they see him as a successful businessman who can lower the prices of their groceries and gas.

In reality, this man who squandered his inheritance and has declared business bankruptcy at least four times would forever be remembered as an unsuccessful businessman if it weren't for his bestselling book "The Art of the Deal" and his role in NBC's long-running TV show "The Apprentice," where Trump played the part of a successful businessman.

Even though that was reality TV, make-believe, and not real, it nevertheless gave Trump a rebirth as a great businessman as millions bought into his new persona.

So as we enter the final stages of the 2024 presidential election, the greatest snake oil salesman of all time continues his charade. The bill of goods he is selling may seem alluring, but buyer beware. You might end up with buyer's remorse.

Gary Runyan,

On endorsements

It is no surprise that all three former Democratic presidents are endorsing Kamala Harris for president. What is surprising is the fact that one former Republican vice president is endorsing Harris and a former Republican president and Trump's own former vice president say that they will not be voting for Trump, along with some high ranking officials from Trump's last administration. You can't make this stuff up.

Rick Madej,

Basic realities

I am not heavily into politics but I'm not unaware of some basic realities in the upcoming elections.

Anyone paying attention should know that the Democratic platform rests on two primary issues: abortion rights and socialism.

As a mainstream Christian I believe that all life is created by God, making God smarter than anyone I know. Yet so many believe that abortion is a right for women, saying, in effect, that they are as smart as God and should be able to determine when an innocent life is expendable. Every woman I know who's had an abortion for whatever reason has had that on their conscience for years to come.

America is the Land of Opportunity. Democrats believe that all should have the same standard of living even if they couch that in their own terminology. Does anyone truly feel that if they've worked every day to achieve good housing, good medical care, a savings for the future that everyone else should enjoy those same things? That there should be a level playing field and those who don't want to work hard shouldn't have to?

I do not like Donald Trump — at all. He has a huge ego, is rude and obnoxious most of the time and has no finesse. But he is NOT a politician, and that's exactly what I like about him. He's a businessman who knows how to fix our failing economy. Politicians are ruining our country. They are indebted to their special interest groups and with no term limits, embark on a lifelong power trip. Gone from their minds are the people they are supposed to represent.

This is simplifying the issue. Voters need to wake up.

Lisa Todd,

Support for Dan Osborn

So, U.S. Sen. Deb Fischer has said she is endorsed by Donald J. Trump, a convicted felon. What a huge honor. Not! Research and vote for Dan Osborn for the U.S. Senate.

Linde Ringling, Valley, Nebraska

Not for the better

Back in 2015 when Donald Trump rode down the golden escalator to announce his quest for the presidency, the country changed and not for the better. The chaos of Donald Trump and the MAGA movement has been a constant thorn in the side of decency and normality. I really don't care about policy and political arguments any longer. I just want the nation to go back to common courtesy and honest decorum.

This Nov. 5, on the ballot is a chance to rid ourselves of this one particular turmoil and get back to old-fashioned politics, where we may disagree but part as friends. Rejecting this agent of turmoil and vulgarity may help heal the country from the hostile atmosphere we currently live in.

Vote for all the Republicans you want down the ballot, but reject the man who has caused this degeneration of civility.

Donald Creston,

Support for Carol Blood

I had no idea U.S. Rep. Flood has such a great sense of humor.

During the recent debate with State Sen. Carol Blood he said that if we were dissatisfied with the way things in the country have been going over the last four years, we should send him back to D.C.

I assume he realizes he's in the majority party in one of the least effective sessions of Congress in the history of the country, which has been in disarray for much of those four years. On top of that, he consistently votes for the same sort of bigotry that has taken hold of this state. Why in the world would I want to send him back to continue being ineffective or worse, be able to pass laws that codify bigotry?

Thanks for the laugh, Mike. I'll be voting for Carol Blood for the 1st Congressional District.

Debra Trojanowski,

Vote for health care

After 36 years of teaching elementary education in both Omaha and Millard Public Schools, I retired in 2020 and have relied on the Affordable Care Act to bridge my health care coverage until I am eligible for Medicare. My battles with breast cancer and melanoma have put me squarely in the camp of people with pre-existing conditions, especially in the eyes of insurance companies.

Because of the ACA, I am protected, and I can afford the care I've needed to survive cancer and stay healthy. I know I am not alone — according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 1 in 4 Nebraskans, both Republicans and Democrats, also have pre-existing conditions.

If Donald Trump gets reelected, and the ACA is abolished, the financial impact on all Nebraskans, myself included, with pre-existing conditions would be devastating and possibly life-changing.

Trump says he has "concepts of a plan" for health care for all Americans, but he has been saying that since 2016 and has yet to provide any concrete information regarding his healthcare plan that would protect pre-existing conditions!

On Sept. 10, Vice President Kamala Harris displayed on the debate stage exactly how she'll function as president. She will put the needs and concerns of all Americans first — whether you are a Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal.

When we elect Harris and Gov. Tim Walz, they will continue fighting to protect our healthcare and lower drug costs even more, making it easier for every Nebraskan to get the care they need. The ACA is very important to my life, yet it is only one of the many reasons I support the Harris-Walz ticket.

Amy O'Connor,

Support for Don Bacon

Tony Vargas' campaign ads stating a salary of $12,000 per year as a state Legislature representative are a bad thing for him. However he fails to mention, the Legislature meets for 60 days one year and 90 days the second year. Since he is only working at this position for a short part of each year, he seems to be complaining about being wealthy enough to serve such a poorly paid position. Where is his other income, which he fails to mention, when not serving? Show us average people your entire income for a full year when comparing to someone else's income and net worth, who has been serving our district honorably and faithfully!

Vote Don Bacon to be retained as our congressman!

James Bloyd,

Option in November

There are no former Republican presidents or vice presidents who have endorsed Donald Trump.

More than 230 former officials of previous Republican administrations have endorsed Kamala Harris. Reasons given for this include Trump's chaos in office, his continuing support for our country's enemies, his attempt to overthrow democracy, and his disrespect for veterans.

If you just can't bring yourself to vote for a Democrat this November, please just don't vote for Trump.

Cathy Lindmier,

Looking pretty good

Lots of doom and gloom being thrown around by Donald J. Trump about the terrible shape our country is in, with his emphasis on the millions of illegal immigrants crossing our southern border. Let's do some verifiable fact checking on just how bad things are in the good ol' USA today.

It was Trump who told his bunch of congressional sheep not to vote for the bipartisan border bill so he could run on how bad it is.

The Dow Jones Industrial average is at an all time high. Gas prices are down to a reasonable level in most parts of the country. We are pumping more oil out of the ground in America than any other country in the world. Unemployment rate is at a modest 4%. Average yearly wage is up over the last four years by $10,000 to $64,000. Crime rates have dropped from their highs in 2019. I don't know about all of you Trump supporters, but the good ol' USA is looking pretty good to me during the last four years and I am voting to keep it that way.

Stephen Exon,

'Looking for something — anything — better'

I hope the five Republican incumbents that make up Nebraska's congressional delegation all read the in the Sept 18 Omaha World Herald entitled "Coalition calls for immigration changes." Instead of being elected officials whose admit in their numerous ads that their top priority is to stop the Democrats from accomplishing anything, why not try to help Nebraskans by compromising on issues and actually getting something done? Immigration is only one of the many important issues facing the United States today. Yet Republicans voted down a bipartisan negotiated immigration bill that had a tremendous number of positives included in it because Trump told them to. Even Ronald Reagan knew the only way to move the country forward was through compromise.

Republicans only hold a small majority in the House and can't even compromise within their own caucus. In the Senate, Republicans are in the minority. Thus without compromise, the only time anything gets done is when it has to, like continuing to fund the federal government (including of course their own salaries) and even that can't be done without a shut-down looming.

This Republican won't be voting to reelect any of Nebraska's incumbents. I'm tired of seeing two-year congressional cycles were nothing gets done. While most of our Nebraska incumbents will likely get reelected (which seems to be their top priority instead of helping Nebraskans) I hope other Republicans will watch another "do nothing" two-year congressional cycle and join me in 2026 looking for something — anything — better.

Ron Bucher,

'It's Vargas' turn'

U.S. Rep. Don Bacon presents himself as a moderate Republican because he's vulnerable to defeat by Tony Vargas in the 2nd Congressional District.

Bacon has served the Omaha area in the U.S. House for eight years, the most recent of which have been stagnant, chaotic and obstructionist while under Republican control.

On many key issues, Bacon is on board with his conservative colleagues. He has opposed various gun control measures; voted against impeaching Trump (twice); voted to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas; supported an absurd impeachment probe of President Joe Biden; backed limiting or repealing the Affordable Care Act; opposed adding sexual orientation and gender identity to the groups protected from discrimination and on and on. Bacon has had his chance in Congress. It's Vargas' turn.

Rick Ruggles,

Drinking Kool-Aid?

The Republican candidate for President seems to show no discernment between truth and lie. He rarely articulates policy, but calls opponents ugly names as his way of disagreeing or denying. He continues to claim that he won the 2020 election. He claims that immigrants are voting in great numbers, even though that is against the law and would put election officials in prison if it were happening. He surrounds himself with sycophants who post ridiculously false stories online and re-post QAnon baloney. He provoked a riot and attack on our Capitol and has still not accepted responsibility, sometimes describing it as peaceful.

U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell on Jan. 6 said Trump was "morally responsible" for a "failed insurrection." U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham said something comparable. There is video of senators fleeing for their safety, if not their lives, when the mob broke into the Capitol. There is one segment where Sen. Josh Hawley is running across the hall as fast as he can move.

Yet these people, and many voters, continue to support Trump. I have to ask, have they drunk the Kool-Aid? Have they truly lost their own ability to discern between truth and fiction? There is plenty of evidence of Trump's mental status, his inability to separate truth from what goes on in his mind. And yet he hovers around 50% in the polls. You might not be happy with Biden's policies, but he certainly wins the prize for sanity and loyalty to the Constitution.

I have been a registered Republican for most of my voting years. I sent money to Nikki Haley when she was speaking reality about Donald Trump. Now she says she will vote for him. What is happening to once-sane and reasonable people?

Patricia Ohlmann, Seward, Nebraska

Support for Allison Kinney-Walker

The upcoming school board election is a crucial opportunity to address key issues in the Millard School District. We need fresh perspectives and new ideas, and I am supporting Allison Kinney-Walker for the Millard Board of Education.

Kinney-Walker's background as a professor, coupled with her dedication to student success and support for teachers, sets her apart. As a mother of four and a dedicated school volunteer, she understands the challenges facing our schools firsthand. Her commitment to ensuring a high-quality education for every student is evident in her desire to create a safe, welcoming environment where students can thrive. She also aims to provide teachers with the necessary resources for effective instruction.

Kinney-Walker's emphasis on transparent communication and community engagement will ensure that the voices of parents, teachers, and students are heard. Her proactive approach to educational equity and closing achievement gaps, along with her active role in our schools and community, positions her as a leader who will bring meaningful, positive change.

I urge everyone to support Kinney-Walker for the Millard school board. Her work will benefit our Millard schools in countless ways.

Kristin Gierke Knott,

OWH Public Pulse August 2024

"We ask legislators to recognize the very real impact this massive tax increase would have for Nebraska businesses like mine," Pulse contributor writes.

Editor's Pick

Pulse contributor says Vice President Kamala Harris has a clear and consistent stance on at least one issue — abortion.

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"The state of Nebraska should not cut corners when it comes to the lives of children in foster care," Pulse contributor writes.

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"Tax cuts should not be made on the backs of children who are abused and neglected," Pulse contributor writes.

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Pulse writers give their thoughts on native Nebraskan Tim Walz, now Minnesota governor, named as Kamala Harris' vice presidential pick.

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More than a week after the July 31 storm, Pulse writers share their thoughts and thanks.

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"If tobacco was new, we'd do something about it," Pulse contributor writes.

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One Pulse contributor writes: "Regarding the story about Omaha Public Schools cellphone policies, (Schools find limits on phones a good call) my first thought was, 'Well, Duh!'"

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Pulse writer says when voting this November, "vote with climate, and with climate's importance to agriculture in mind."

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"When we welcome a more diverse cross-section of givers and volunteers to be a part of everyday philanthropy, all can have a say in shaping our community," a Pulse contributor writes.

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The Douglas County Treasurer John Ewing encourages citizens to email to his office when they see a vehicle with expired plates, long-overdue in-transit tags or out-of-state plates parked at a residence or with no plates at all.

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"As far as I'm concerned, the border crisis since February is now Trump's fault," Pulse contributor writes.

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"This election ask yourself: Who knows the needs of citizens better?" Pulse writer asks.

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"We need to start transitioning Social Security away from its current pay-as-you-go system to something more like a retirement program," Pulse writer says.

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Pulse writer says there needs to be a concerted effort to assist in inspecting, trimming, and removing trees.

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Midlands Voices, columns on The World-Herald opinion pages prompt reaction from Public Pulse contributors.

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"I don't believe anything out of the mouths of Donald Trump or Kamala Harris when it comes to fixing the economy," Pulse contributor writes.

Editor's Pick

"Positivity actually does help an economy along with sound fiscal policy," Pulse writer says.