
The Public Pulse: This is the debate I'd like to see; Praise for Terri Cunningham-Swanson

E.Martin2 hr ago

Harris v. anyone but Trump

In a recent Pulse letter ( "Harris v Harris debate," Sept. 19) Randall Bradley, claimed he witnessed lies streaming from both candidates during the recent presidential debate. The truth is Donald Trump delivered a staggering quantity and variety of false claims — which is nothing new — some of which were egregious lies about topics including abortion, immigration and the economy. Harris was far more accurate than Trump.

Mr. Bradley then states he would have liked to have seen a debate between the 2019-2020 Kamala Harris and the 2024 Kamala Harris. I disagree. I would have liked to have seen a debate between the 2024 Kamala Harris and anybody else other than Trump. I think most of America would have also.

Michael Leonard,

Praise for Terri Cunningham-Swanson

I believe people like myself, who esteem the narrow way, promoted by the son of God, would want to congratulate Terri Cunningham-Swanson and Gov. Jim Pillen for her appointment to the Nebraska Library Commission. It's my opinion that the so-called broad way is leading to our destruction as a nation. The broad way seems to be endorsed by 62% of Plattsmouth voters, who removed her from their school board, and Pulse writer Roxann Sattler (" Reconsider Cunningham-Swanson appointment ," Sept. 15.)

Is the goal of the broad way to think that children should be exposed to all manner of ideas and that nothing should be censored from them? Does this seem smart, loving or responsible? The aforementioned Son of God warned: "If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea" (Matthew 18:6.)

Kudos to both, Terri, for walking the narrow way, and to Pillen for recognizing godliness when he sees it.

Doug Wittmann, Dodge, Nebraska

On adoptive parents

Adoptive parents must be surprised to learn that Donald Trump, JD Vance and Sarah Huckabee Sanders seem to believe that adoptive parents are not really parents because the children are not their biological offspring. I would think that the party that wants to ban abortion would welcome and appreciate parents who are willing to adopt children and raise them as their own. Guess not!

Patrick Barrett,

Turn down the heat and up the reality

I think we can all agree the political environment in this country has gotten overheated, and it's past time to dial down all the vitriol.

And I truly do understand there are core issues Republicans feel strongly about that make it difficult for some to accept a Democrat for president. What I don't get is the Republican interpretation of what makes an inflammatory comment. The Harris campaign has basically repeated what Donald Trump has factually said. The Trump campaign is promoting lies and hate. Deny all he wants, Trump is distinctly attached to Project 2025. Among other things in the plan, he has publicly stated he will weaponize government agencies to punish anyone critical of him, and in office issued an executive order, the Schedule F plan , fortunately never implemented, that would essentially require all federal employees to pass his loyalty test.

Those are very undemocratic points the Harris campaign should inform the public about because so many people are locked into their own information silos. Trump on the other hand, constantly makes things up and promotes conspiracy theories. Look no further than the absurd Haitian immigrants eating pets fiasco.

Juxtaposing these candidate's comments should present a glaring contrast to what is acceptable and inflammatory, and the comparison is so stark anyone living in a factual reality should easily ascertain the competence of the candidates as well.

Leo Miltner,

War is unpredictable

During the Vietnam War, I watched brave pilots take off for their bombing missions located in North Vietnam. In a thundering display of power, we stood on the edge of the flight line and saluted them as they went on their missions. One of the pilots' frustrations was limitation of targets in the north by our government.

The brave soldiers in Ukraine face a similar situation placed on them by our government's restrictions on the use of long-range ordnance we supplied (" Ukraine renews calls on the West to approve long-range strikes on Russian territory ," Sept. 14.) To their credit, Ukrainian soldiers have so far complied with our restrictions.

War is always unpredictable and brutal. I think the people who chose to defend their country from the invasion and to suffer the outcomes have the right to decide how to fight the war.

Joseph Slattery,

Making it hard to vote

In reference to the "Save America Act" that would require proof of citizenship to vote, I think it would be easier to buy an AR-15 with a bump stock and a 100-round capacity drum magazine than it would be to vote.

Craig Trager, Glenwood, Iowa