
The View's liberal hosts tell Democrats to ignore Kamala polls that show Trump is in the lead

M.Cooper35 min ago
The View 's liberal hosts have urged Democrats to ignore polls that show Donald Trump gaining ground against Kamala Harris ahead of the presidential election .

Joy Behar admitted on Wednesday that she is concerned about the press reporting on recent polls that show the Republican former president nearly tied with the vice-president.

'I'm starting to worry about the polls because I see a lot of the media saying that [Trump is] leading and everybody's getting nervous and all that,' Behar said.

Whoopi Goldberg then stepped in, saying she does not believe in polls, and agreeing that 'the media' is showing Trump ahead of Harris 'on purpose' to discourage Democrats.

'Basically, it's so disheartening for Democrats and people who are leaning towards Kamala, to say, "Well, what's the point?"' Behar said before instructing viewers to 'not buy into that.'

It comes hours before Harris had a fractious encounter with Fox News' veteran journalist Brett Baier - and as several polls show that Harris has seemingly lost the lead she once had over Trump.

The testy interview took place as the vice president has been pressed to do more unscripted appearances and interviews as she tries to reach more voters.

What was once a good little lead for the vice president has virtually disappeared with just 23 days until Election Day, according to at least two polls released on Sunday.

A survey from ABC News/Ipsos reveals that while Harris is still ahead of Trump, the gap has shifted by four points toward the former president for a result of 50 percent to 48 percent among likely voters.

The new gap is within the poll's 2.5 percentage point error margin.

Meanwhile, a separate NBC News poll with a margin of error of 3.1 percent also reveals that the vice president's lead no longer exists and she is now tied with Trump at 48 percent.

Previously, Harris held a five point lead over Trump in the same poll taken in September.

Trump saw his initial polling lead against Harris slip after the two went head-to-head in their first – and likely only – debate last month.

Harris was widely seen as having the better night when they met on stage in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on September 10 – and the polling results afterwards reflected that.

But now, Trump is closing the gap and there are only three weeks for Harris to make up that ground that she is losing.

As the results of national polls get closer and closer, so do the outcomes in swing states.

According to ABC's polling, Trump and Harris are tied at 49 percent in the seven swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.