
Time Capsule: From the archives of local weeklies

H.Wilson21 hr ago

Sep. 12—Flathead Courier, Sept. 4, 1924

Teegarden to run as Independent

Great Falls, Aug. 30 — Sam W Teegarden, candidate for U.S. Senator on the LaFollette progressive party organized here by Mr. Teegarden, David Watson, and others six weeks ago, and who issued a call for a state convention some time ago in accordance with law, this morning announced that the convention was held in Great Falls last night, was an executive session, that were representatives present from seven counties, and that the following are the minutes of the proceedings:

The LaFollette progressive party was reorganized by changing the name to the Independent Party of Montana. Sam W. Teegrden was unanimously nominated for U.S. senator.

Boost the fair

The community fair at Polson last year was one of the best exhibits of fruit and farm products in the state and surprised even people living right here. Although not large the quality of the exhibits was remarkable and brought much favorable publicity to the valley.

This year the fair has been enlarged to a county-wide fair and Flathead Project exhibit so that the display will be much larger and more representative of the various resources of the county and project.

The other day at Whitefish, a man who is an acknowledged authority on the fruit industry stopped the writer on the street to inquire when the fair would be held in Polson this year. He was here last year and was amazed at the stuff he saw.

"We'll be there this year again." he said.

There is no question but that the fair is a worthwhile enterprise and if the people of the county generally get behind it, this year's exhibit should be a winner.

Marriages ahead of divorces in state

Missoula — The Department of Commerce announces that, according to reports received in Montana for the calendar year 1923, 5,300 marriages were performed and 1,274 divorces were granted. For the calendar year 1922, 5,228 marriages were performed and 1,206 divorces were granted.

It would appear that matrimonial ventures usually are successful in Lake County, "the Garden of the Rockies," as few divorces were reported from this land of romance.