
Times Leader

J.Rodriguez3 months ago

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PITTSTON: Pittston Area High School Class of 1979 is planning its 36th anniversary reunion for Saturday, July 18, at the Hughestown Hose Company, Hughestown. A planning meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, April 9, at Vince’s Pizza Express, 74 S. Main Street, Pittston.

The 36th reunion will be informal, with casual dress and a picnic-style menu. The event will be celebrated 5-10 p.m. For more information, contact Susan Scott Socash at [email protected] ; Tish Hoban Kreidler at pkreidl [email protected] ; or Carol Hite Benjamin at [email protected] .

SCRANTON: Make-A-Wish Greater Pennsylvania and West Virginia is seeking Luzerne County residents to help grant the wishes of children living with life-threatening medical conditions. Local residents are encouraged to become wish volunteers or to refer a child to Make-A-Wish.

The local Make-A-Wish chapter is working to grant 10 wishes in Luzerne County and it needs kindhearted individuals to step forward and volunteer their time and friendship in order to assist with wish fulfillment. To become a wish volunteer, individuals must be at least 21 years of age, pass a criminal background check and attend a training session. The next training session is 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, April 11, at the Scranton Regional Hospital.

Referrals are also being sought for children ages 2 1/2-18 with life-threatening medical conditions.

To register for the next volunteer training, or to learn more about referring a child, contact Maggie O’Brien at 570- 341-9474 or visit greaterpawv.wish.org.

WYOMING: The Wilkes University Polish Room Committee will meet at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14, at Marianacci’s Restaurant. Joyce Latoski is the chairperson of the Monthly Calling Committee. Donna Stankiewicz, Fran Macy, Marie Voitek and Barbara Smith are also on the committee. Members will be notified by the committee. If a non member would like to attend, call Joyce at 570-823-5743.

At the March meeting Mary Ann Martin and Susan Najaka were the winners of the club’s monthly drawing.

The club’s new officers were introduced at the March meeting. They are Bernadine Tarasek, president; Delphine Bienick, vice president; Susan Najaka, secretary; Janiece DeMuro, treasurer; and Joyce Latoski, publicity/historian.