
Times Leader

A.Davis3 months ago

First Posted:

HAZLE TWP.: Hazle Township Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company is accepting donations for Santa Days, which will take place from 1-4 p.m. on Dec. 8 and 9 at the Hazle Township Commons Building, West 27th Street, off Route 309.

Santa will arrive for photos with children and pets of the community. The cost is $6 per photo and all proceeds benefit the fire company. There will also be tricky trays, pick a pop and hot cocoa available.

Donations can be brought to the fire house, or call Carol Lee Vitro at 454-5257 to arrange a pick up.

WILKES-BARRE: The Donegal Society is sponsoring its annual children’s Christmas party from 2-4 p.m. on Dec. 9 at the Ramada Inn, Public Square. All children and grandchildren of society members are invited.

The children will be entertained by a magician and receive a visit from Santa Claus. Refreshments will be served.

Reservations are required and can be made by calling Mary McDermott at 822-7675 or Sally Wieczorek at 693-3714.

WILKES-BARRE TWP.: The Laflin Public Library and Barnes and Noble, Arena Hub Plaza, are hosting a book fair on Wednesday. A percentage of the sales will benefit the library. Participants should tell the cashier they would like their purchases to support the library.

From 3-4 p.m. Tail Waggin Tutors Therapy Dogs will be available. Children will be able to pick a book from the shelf and read to the dogs.

Purchases can also be made online from Wednesday to Dec. 3 at BN.COM/bookfairs. Enter book fair ID No. 10896983 at checkout.