
Times Leader

D.Brown3 months ago

PLYMOUTH: Bishop William J. Hafey Fourth Degree Assembly Knights of Columbus at 8 p.m. Plymouth Council 984 will host the session at Happy Pizza, 40 W. Main St., Plymouth. Faithful Navigator John Opachinski III requests all fourth degree Knights to attend. Light refreshments will be served.
WILKES-BARRE: Father Nahas Senior Citizens Club at 1:30 p.m. in the church hall of St. Mary’s Antiochian Church, 905 S. Main St. President George Morrash urges all members to attend. Final plans for the Christmas party at Kazimi’s on Dec. 6 will be made. Reservations and payments will be taken at the meeting. All reservations must be in by Tuesday. The cost is $15 for members and $25 for guests. Other important business will be conducted. Due to the holidays this will be the last meeting for the year. Refreshments will be served and card games and bingo will be played. For information, call 825-6210 or 824-2093.

DALLAS: Irem Women’s Auxiliary at noon at the Irem Country Club. The executive board will meet at 1 1:15 a.m. The menu is a choice of a grilled Reuben sandwich or a mini chef salad with turkey and cheese, each served with a cup of cream of broccoli soup. The cost is $6.50. Make reservation or cancellations by calling June Lewis at 824-4526 or Rachel Bird at 675-2378 no later than Monday.
EXETER: Golden Age Club of St. Anthony’s at 1:30 p.m. at the center. Etta Chiampi will preside. Hostesses are Irene Parini, Jetta Angelo and Sue Begliomini. New members are invited.
Nov. 27
DALLAS: Lehman-Idetown United Methodist Church United Methodist Women at 7 p.m. The program for the evening will be based on Advent and Christmas “Our Place in the Story.” Hostesses will be Dorothy and Judy Dawe. Reservations for the Dec. 4 Christmas party at Pickett’s Charge are due.