Times Leader
Wednesday, October 31, 2001 Page: 2B
Fan Fare
I’M SO SICK of Jordan already. I predict Michael Jordan will play half the
season and get hurt. That’s what the problem is, that his old bones won’t go
THE BCS POLL has one letter too many. They should drop the C, it should be
called the BS poll. Miami dominates a decent West Virginia team, Oklahoma
loses to Nebraska. Miami is No. 1 in both polls and then Oklahoma is still in
front of them in the BS poll? I don’t understand it. The way I see it as long
as Miami keeps winning they’ll be in the Rose Bowl. But the fact is that they
could beat Nebraska on Sunday morning and beat Oklahoma Sunday afternoon.
They’re the best team in the country period.
I AM NOT a Wyoming Area fan and I am certainly not a Berwick fan but was
talked into going to the game and I think the best thing about Wyoming Area’s
victory over Berwick, that nobody really is talking about is that Coach Curry
was finally outcoached by somebody else. Great job Wyoming Area.
THIS IS FOR Coach Armillay. (I’m) wondering when he’s going to realize the
football program is for the team and not for him.
TO COACH CALABRESE and coach Shuback at the PA JV game Monday against
Wyoming Valley West. They had all the boys playing with their hearts and
souls. That’s what great coaching’s all about.
THIS IS A question to the Yankee fan who says the Yankees don’t buy
championships. What $10 million a year free agent will they sign this year,
win or lose the series?
the Pittsburgh Steelers on Monday night’s football
game. What a game.
THAT ROBBIE TALLAS, he must be covered by all kinds of bruises. He gets
beaten more than a rented mule.
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