
Transfer news latest live: Updates of Premier League deals

O.Anderson10 hr ago
Welcome to PSR transfer deadline day Good morning, I know what you are thinking, it's too early in the summer for a transfer deadline day.

And you would be right - the transfer window does not close until Friday, August 30, at 23:00 BST in England and 23:30 in Scotland.

However, profit and sustainability rules (PSR) in the Premier League have forced clubs to reassess their transfer policy in a bid to balance the books.

The aim is to do that by a cut-off point in the financial year - 30 June is the key date when the 2023-24 season officially ends and the 2024-25 campaign begins.

Clubs in danger of breaching PSR are trying to sell players by this new 'unofficial transfer deadline day' to avoid charges and possible points deductions when the new season begins.

You can find more about the details here .

This page will bring you all the latest news about deals as they unfold - and there are plenty bubbling under - while also trying to explain the reasons behind the moves and their financial implications for each club.

So put the kettle on, pull up a pew and join us for the first ever PSR transfer deadline day.