
Trent shop to close after more than 100 years

H.Wilson22 min ago
A family-run shoe shop which has been open for more than 100 years has announced the closure of one of its locations.

Brassington Bros opened its first shop in Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent, in 1901.

It has been run by the Brassington family for four generations, with owner Peter Brassington citing the decline in high street footfall as one of the main factors in the decision to close at the end of September.

Mr Brassington said the decision to shut "pulled at the heartstrings" but "when you look at the bank account you lose a bit of emotion" about the choice.

Mr Brassington said he would focus on his shop in Longton.

"The Longton shop has sat there doing OK and we've seen the Hanley store have the biggest difference."

Although Mr Brassington said it was a huge decision for the family he has put the shop's struggles down to the wider challenges faced by shops on Hanley high street.

" I don't think Hanley is on its own, I've got a soft spot for Hanley, I've been going my whole life.

"I don't want to leave, a hard headed businessman would probably leave but I've been saying to my wife and family Hanley will be on the way up some time soon, but I'm afraid we've run out of time to see this."