
Troy mayor Mantello names 5 to city’s new planning board

S.Ramirez1 days ago
Living Troy mayor Mantello names 5 to city's new planning board

TROY - Mayor Carmella Mantello named five members to a newly revamped planning board that controls real estate and business development in the city.

Mantello had been critical of the former city planning commission, whose members were appointed under previous administrations, alleging that its members were slowing development in the city with unwarranted demands of business owners.

In July, the City Council voted 4-3 to dissolve the planning commission and replace it with a new planning board that would be appointed by the mayor.

On Thursday, Mantello appointed five people to the new board, adding she would name two alternate members in the future.

The new planning board members are attorney Peter Kehoe; James Shufelt, a manager with a Troy construction contractor; Naomi "Toni" Dickinson, a community activist with government experience; James Scully, a Troy businessman who owns the Bacchus Wood-Fired restaurant in Troy; and Jeoffrey York, a corporate information technology specialist who coaches track and field at Hudson Valley Community College in Troy.

The new board will have its first meeting next Wednesday at 6 p.m.

Mantello said in a prepared statement she was "incredibly proud" of her new appointments to the board.

"Each of these five individuals brings a diverse range of experience, yet they all share a common vision for Troy," Mantello said. "We aim to foster expansion and growth while preserving the strong sense of community, history and unity that makes our city so special."

Members of the previous board and their supporters were extremely critical of Mantello, arguing she was replacing the planning board for political purposes. They said her allegations that the board acted beyond the restraints of its charter were unfounded and unfair to the members who had served the city for years.

This story was originally published September 13, 2024, 8:31 PM.