
Trump Urges Israel to Destroy Iran's Nuclear Facilities: 'Worry About the Rest Later'

N.Hernandez26 min ago
President Donald Trump has publically contradicted the Biden-Harris administration by urging Israel to target and destroy Iran's nuclear facilities.

The comments from Trump came in response to Iran's missile attack on Israel.

President Joe Biden has been demanding that Israel restrain from targeting Iranian oil facilities or nuclear facilities after a massive missile attack.

Iran launched thousands of ballistic missiles at Israel.

The Islamic regime launched the attack following Israel's decapitation of the terrorist group Hezbollah, which is funded by Iran.

Israel is justified in retaliating against Iran but Biden is trying to keep the Jewish state on a leash and protect Iran.

This strategy has become the de facto U.S. policy towards Iran under Biden's leadership.

This stands in stark contrast to Trump's treatment of Iran which was aggressive and debilitating.

Trump bankrupted Iran in order to prevent the Islamic Republic from funding terrorist groups around the Middle East and that was a key to keeping the peace.

Biden has catered to Iran and released billions in frozen funds and the result of that has been chaos and war around the Middle East.

During an appearance in Fayetteville, North Carolina, on Friday, Trump took questions during a town hall to address voters.

North Carolina is in play for Trump in November and should he win it, it would likely propel him to victory.

During the session, Trump took a shot at Biden saying:

"I listened to Biden yesterday, you know, since I went under the wing, you know, I used to go under the wing of the aircraft.

"Nobody ever did that before.

"I did all of a sudden, Biden started — but he only takes like a half a question, usually can't answer it."

Biden has spent most of his time in the White House avoiding the media and not taking questions.

Even when he does take questions, his answers are typically curt and his aides tend to hustle him off quickly before he can say something damaging.

Trump continued saying, "But they asked him, what do you think about, what do you think about Iran?

"Would you hit Iran? And he goes, 'As long as they don't hit the nuclear stuff.'

"That's the thing you want to hit, right?

"I said, 'I think he's got that one wrong. Isn't that what you're supposed to hit?'

"I mean, it's the most, it's the biggest risk."

"We have to be absolutely prepared," Trump added.

"But when they asked him that question, the answer should have been 'hit the nuclear first and worry about the rest later

"And that's why they should, if they're going to do it, if they're going to do it, they're going to do it, but we'll find out whatever their plans are."

Trump's common sense shines through as he understands that crippling Iran's nuclear capabilities is crucial to neutering Iran's ability to project power in the Middle East.

The path to ending the war doesn't lie in placating Iran but rather in crippling Iran and rendering them incapable of terrorizing the Middle East.

The 45 president's assertion that Israel should hit Iran's nuclear facilities gives voters a glimpse of how Trump will behave in the White House.

Foreign policy and ending the multiple serious conflicts around the world are going to play a large role in who wins the election in November.

Trump is promising to end the wars in the Middle East like he did during his first term.

Furthermore, Trump is confident in his ability to negotiate peace between Russia and Ukraine quickly should he win.

On the other hand, Vice President Kamala Harris has made promises but so far in three years of Biden-Harris rule, there has been no progress made in Ukraine and the Middle East only gets more violent and dangerous.

Harris has tried to claim that she will run things differently than her boss but just this week Biden came out to say that Harris and him have always been on the same page when it comes to policy.

That statement could very well have doomed any chance Harris had of separating herself from Biden's horrific record.