
Trump’s ‘Hated To Give Overtime’ Admission Prompts Stark Reminder Of Project 2025

J.Martin1 hr ago

Former president and current GOP nominee Donald Trump on Sunday admitted he "hated" to pay his staff overtime and would instead replace them with other workers to avoid doing so.

Trump's confession came during a campaign rally in Erie, Pennsylvania, after promising to deliver "gigantic tax cuts" via his pledge to end tax on tips, on overtime and on social security benefits for seniors.

"I know a lot about overtime. I hated to give overtime. I hated it. I'd get other people, I shouldn't say this, but I'd get other people in. I wouldn't pay," Trump boasted.

Watch from the 1:42 mark here:

Some critics suggested the move was indicative of Trump's decadeslong history of questionable behavior. Others pointed to overtime proposals in the right-wing Heritage Foundation's Project 2025, which analysts have suggested may see some workers losing their rights to it completely if the playbook is implemented (as it is expected to be) by a potential second Trump administration:
