
Tucson Speaks Out: Oct. 1 letters of the day

Z.Baker47 min ago

King Motormouth strikes again

What were you thinking, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump? Shame on you for saying your Democratic Party opponent is mentally impaired! Your imbecilic remark even drew criticism from high-ranking GOP colleagues. At this point, sadly, nobody should be surprised. Keep talking, Trump, because your remarks are costing you votes.

Joe Schula

Pima County Democratic Party chair's letter

In his Sep 29 letter, the Chair of the Pima County Democratic Party, Eric Robbins, complained about "the (criminal) defacement and theft of signs supporting Harris/Walz." Then he made the preposterous assertion that "My sources tell me it is being encouraged by Republican Party leadership both locally and nationally." He had zero evidence for this nonsense.

Well, let me identify his and the entire Democratic Party's prolific and cowardly use of the word "sources." In Robbins' specific case, it would be the Democratic National Committee, MSNBC and local Democratic writers of Letters to the Editor of the Star. You can look it up. It's all there in unsupportable similar statements. Robbins took it to the next level, just as Democrats have with "It's all Trump's fault." You people are intentionally obtuse or flat-out stupid. Which is it?

Steve Sollenberger

Presidential candidate Harris

How is it that the person who wants to be President voted against every bill that would support and fund our military? Check to see for yourself.

She speaks of her bipartisan immigration bill.

Please check the final Senate vote. It was not bipartisan in any sense of the word unless you call most Dems & a few Republicans voting aye as such.

Why did she support transgender surgeries for all migrants and incarcerated individuals and call it healthcare and insist that the American taxpayer foot the bill?

Why was she speaking to her sorority when her duty was to preside over the Senate when Bibi was speaking?

Why did she vote to gut the Veterans' TRICARE system, while co-sponsoring the Medicare for All Act of 2019?


Richard Barnes

East side

Political stunts

In one of the most stunning acts of political cowardice, a bipartisan border-security bill co-authored by a conservative Republican was prevented from a hearing on the floor of the U.S. Senate because candidate Trump did not believe it would be good for him politically. That bill would have increased enforcement resources on the border and expedited removals of those who entered this country unlawfully. The current MAGA Republican chest-pounding over border security is a joke.

Now it's clear the MAGA controlled Republican Party no longer supports our military as one of its members has blocked the promotion of an Army general to be the commander in the Pacific because he didn't like the initial secrecy surrounding the Defense Secretary's cancer surgery.

MAGA Republicans stand for nothing but obstruction. Vote them all out in November.

Margaret Scott

Republican Know Nothings

Dear Editor,

In the 1840s, Irish Catholics immigrated to America in huge numbers and provoked a secret protest movement known as the Know Nothing Party, founded in 1844 as a precursor to the eventual Republican party.

Know Nothings told of a conspiracy by Catholics to overthrow Protestant-based American government. This was an early version of today's Republican claim that Hispanic Catholic immigrants will kick whites and other native-born Americans out of jobs and power in America.

MAGA, or Know Nothing II, is thus really a Make America Hate Again party, as they are promoting both racial and religious hatred of Hispanics and religious hatred of Muslim civilians in Palestine.

MAGA also asks us to throw our support to an authoritarian ruler who tells us he will do all our thinking for us and save us from all our problems single-handedly. All of this is the opposite of democracy.

Kimball Shinkoskey

Hurrican Helene

To the editor:

A recent sadly reports the devastation of Hurricane Helene in the southeastern U.S. In this lengthy , there is just one sentence about the cause of this disaster: "Climate change exacerbated conditions that allow such storms to thrive, rapidly intensifying in warming waters and turning into powerful cyclones sometimes in a matter of hours."

The media must take more responsibility in reporting and educating people about the true crisis we are all experiencing due to climate change. First, that burning fossil fuels accounts for over 75% of global greenhouse emissions, warming the planet and the oceans. Second, increased air temperatures around the earth. The hotter atmosphere's ability to hold more water vapor, thus intensifying hurricanes and cyclones. Third, the rising sea levels will continue to worsen and impact all coastal communities and atolls around the world making them uninhabitable. This is already happening in Tuvalu in the south Pacific.

We only have one candidate, Kamala Harris, who understands the threat of climate change.

Katherine Hess

Democratic defectors

I believe that defectors from the Democratic Party may affect the election in November.

Recent defectors include Elon Musk, RFK Jr., and now Alan Dershowitz.

Four state lawmakers have now switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party in recent months.

Tulsi Gabbard left the Democratic Party, calling them as "Elitist cabal of warmongers."

Last April US Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona left the Democratic Party.

Sen. Joe Manchin left the Democratic Party and registers as an Independent

More than 1 million voters across 43 states have switched to the Republican Party over the last year, according to voter registration data analyzed by the Associated Press.

Republicans have picked up 87 seats in State Legislatures due to party switching since 1994.

Defectors have stated that today's Democratic Party is led by the "radical, woke left who continue to advocate values which defy logic and clash with the traditional values of the majority of Americans."

These defectors could have an effect on this year's election.

Tom McGorray

Northwest side

Seeing is believing

We fostered a cute, small dog a year ago from PACC, locally and fell in love with him so adopted him. PACC named him Indiana Jones, but my wife changed his name in Indiana Joan's. Dogs and humans normally have five senses. Indi has trouble seeing and has white, small marble size areas visible in both eyes. Friends of PACC provided us with a hoop-harness, while fostering, for him to wear around his head so he doesn't slam his nose into rocks, trees and walls.

This year the VA has told me that I don't qualify for cataract surgery yet, but they are keeping an "eye" on it. Our Indi insists on a morning walk, yes, every day, and that is nice for the both of us. Why and when this started, I don't remember, but he "sees" to it that we do it.

An initial eye exam costs over $200 with a local specialist. Don't know if he is a candidate for surgery!

Kenneth Unwin

East side

Stepford president (and vice president)

"Women will be happy, healthy, confident and free," said Trump at North Carolina on September 24. "Women's lives will be happy, beautiful, and their lives will be great again."

"You will no longer be thinking about abortion, because it is now where it always had to be with the states and with the vote of the people."

"So women, we love you. We're going to take care of you." Gee, no thanks!

Reminds me of the movie, "Stepford Wives."

There is nothing wrong with being happy, healthy, confident and free — if only it were true. Trump, MAGA, Republicans, and their Supreme Court have ensured that women aren't free, aren't healthy, aren't happy, and aren't confident that they are entitled to any of those rights or attributes. Instead, we are forced to fight for our right to bodily freedom and autonomy, state by state. No United States of America for women.

It is time to get rid of Trump, MAGA, and the meddlesome, paternalistic Republicans.

Katharine Donahue

Golf walkers

I read where the mayor wants to annex part of Randolph Golf Course for walkers. Upwards of half a million dollars have been spent on this folly, especially when public funds are scarce.

Golfers pay generously for a round of golf. Will walkers pay for walking the course? How many millions will it take to reconfigure the course? How much lost revenue will occur?

Santa Rita Park has been recaptured from the homeless. They can walk there and perhaps the myriad of soccer fields along Golf Links and the Kino Sports Complex. Downtown has a blue line the walkers can follow.

This is brilliant. Hy Corbett Baseball field and the Kino Baseball Park can be invaded by walkers when a game is not being played. They can run, slide, scratch, and spit all over the place. No one will care. They can play "Who's on first, What's on second and I Don't Know's on third."

What I do know is that the mayor should have her head examined.

Ed LeGendre

East side

According to the internet ...

"In the United States, approximately 40% to 50% of marriages end in divorce. However, the risk of divorce is influenced by many factors.

Some other divorce statistics include:

First marriages: 41% of first marriages end in divorce, while 60% of second marriages and 73% of third marriages end in divorce.

Age: The divorce rate is highest among adults aged 25–39.

While I was lucky enough to have never been divorced, it seems to me that the details of the marriage and divorce of couples involved should not be subject to public scrutiny, other than to be part of statistics like those mentioned above. This suggestion includes divorced individuals who are running for public office. Thus it is my humble opinion that the GOP, including GOP candidate Kari Lake, should not be privy to the very private events that occurred during the Kate and Ruben Gallego marriage and divorce that occurred long ago. It's beyond disgusting that the political parties would even think that this is appropriate.

Sue Thompson, M.D. (retired)

Rex Scott for Pima County Supervisor

I support Rex Scott for Pima County Supervisor in District 1. I have known and worked with Rex for the last 4 years.

Rex has proven to be a tireless advocate and leader in the area of gun violence prevention. He's lead the Board's efforts to work with federal authorities in reducing the flow of firearms to prohibited possessors. Slowing the flow of firearms into the hands of criminals is crucial in protecting communities on both sides of the international border.

We need Rex's continued leadership on the Board of Supervisors as we continue to address gun violence, heat related health threats and other public health issues in our community. His efforts reflect his values in which he places the welfare of our community above his own personal or political gain.

It is my honor to work with Rex and I heartily endorse his re-election as County Supervisor in District 1.

Mike Humphrey

Vice-President, Pima County Board of Health

Arizona Daily Star Editorial Advisory Board member

Mike Humphrey

Magical thinking

I don't understand why people are okay with inappropriate behavior when it's their candidate and absolutely incensed if it's the other?

Trump is a convicted felon and you're okay with it. Would you be okay if it was Harris? Trump encouraged followers to seize the Capitol, change election results, hang his Vice President, and let people die. Would you be okay if Harris did that? Trump still has not conceded he lost that election. Would that be okay if it was Harris?

Trump didn't solve the border crisis during his 4 years in office. Why is it wrong that Harris hasn't done it as Vice President? If so, why didn't Trump have Pence do it?

Being a felon, inciting a riot, trying to invalidate an election, and telling supporters to hang his Vice President are all okay with you because he called it a witch hunt? Really?

It must be magical thinking. Maybe you should wake up before he turns on you too.

Lois Postil

Oro Valley

Respect the 1st Amendment

Two weeks ago, on my morning walk, I noticed a Harris/Walz campaign sign lying in the desert instead of standing on the corner of Wentworth and Tanque Verde roads. I crawled over a barbed-wire fence, retrieved it and put it back up. The next day, it was back in the desert, missing the metal stand. I collected it, put it up in my yard by tying it to a paloverde and stapled a message to it: "Do not remove this sign! The 1st Amendment grants me the right to display it! Be a true American and respect MY rights!!" I cannot believe the childish behavior of some folks. It is shameful, an absolute disgrace, and affront to the Constitution and values of this country. Republicans must be running scared to engage in such cowardly behavior. Fortunately, several people have expressed great appreciation for my sign. The rest of you: grow up.

Anne Lane

Northeast side