
Tucson Speaks Out: Oct. 6 letters of the day

M.Kim1 hr ago

New rules

It seems so wrong to me that the Republican candidate can spew so many lies without consequences. The latest one is really disgusting: implying that the governor of Georgia wasn't getting any aid for damage caused by Helene and actually being unable to contact the Biden administration. Lies! The governor even came out and said he had talked to Biden multiple times and was given everything that was needed. Every time I think Trump can't go lower, he does. I think is time for some new rules! If you openly lie (having no facts to support your claim) you lose the ability to speak publicly for a period of time. Oh, and while we're at it what about a test like the one that aspiring U.S. citizens have to take? Might be a good idea to know the candidate actually understand the Constitution!

Susan Rayner

Climate considerations

Regarding the LTE: Hurricane Helene (AZ Daily Star Oct. 1):

We agree with the letter writer that the media should be reporting the crisis of climate change as it continues to negatively impact us globally. The scenes of North Carolina were heart-wrenching.

We refer the writer and everyone to see meteorologist Daniel McFarland of KVOA.com 's excellent series 'Climate Matters.' KVOA and Daniel have partnered with Citizens Climate Lobby, University of Arizona students, and the local Fire Department, among others, to cover diverse aspects of hope and difficulties associated with our warming planet.

The KVOA.com bits are numerous and brief (2-3 minutes). Review 'Climate Matters' on the website under weather, then email the station with your thoughts (and hopefully your thanks)!

Gaye Adams

Mendacity — thy name is Ciscomani

Juan Ciscomani wants you to believe that he is committed to protecting Social Security; cares about the border "crisis" and that he "trusts women." You can believe him or examine his votes and associates.

In July he voted to strip $500 million from the Social Security Administration.

He agreed with TFG to tank a border bill, negotiated by his own party and supported by the Border Patrol Union, so he could use immigrants as political footballs. That bill may not have been perfect, but you can't call something a "crisis" if you allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good. In June, he even voted to cut CBP funding by by $1.4 billion.

He voted for a nationwide ban on abortion medication and to cut abortion and IVF funding for military families. He was a long-serving board member of the Patriot Academy which believes that "life begins at conception."

I don't believe him.

Kathleen Mayer

Northwest side

Prop 311: Vote No!

A "yes" vote on Prop 311 would give families of fallen first responders $250,000. Sounds good, right? Unfortunately, instead of the funding coming from those of us who benefit from their heroism, criminal defendants will be charged a fee to fund this proposition before their guilt or innocence is even adjudicated. Defendants are already charged for bail, court fees, attorney fees and more which they must pay regardless of their guilt or ability to pay.

Federal departments, state programs, insurance companies, unions and other agencies all assist the families of fallen first responders. Real kindness would be taking better care of our valued first responders while they are alive. Pay fair wages and give robust benefits like child care assistance, parental and family leave, tuition reimbursement, and mental health support as many suffer from PTSD after experiencing disasters. There is absolutely no reason to involve our underfunded criminal justice system. Vote "no" on Proposition 311.

Dee Maitland

Abortion: Why?

The underlying issue with abortion is a collapse of personal responsibility in avoiding pregnancy. The need for abortion is a means to fix a problem that was created without considering the consequences. In the past, abortion was accepted due to a lack of science proving life existed prior to birth. Current science concedes that every life begins at conception and that every life is unique due to the DNA. More important, is the fact that life is capable of engineering that science can't duplicate as the body is built. On top of that is the fact that science is incapable of understanding or duplicating the condition of that is recognized as life. The easiest solution is a medical treatment that cuts off the option of pregnancy but must be easily reversible. In terms of rape or incest, it is a crime and abortion would be allowed within a two-week period with criminal prosecution. On the flip side, murder is also a crime. Where do you draw the line?

Loran Hancock

Northwest side

Urging action and prayer for the Holy Land

"You shall not stand idly by when your neighbor's life is at risk. I am the Lord." — Leviticus 19:16

As we approach October 7th, during the Jewish High Holy Days, we also mark the somber one-year anniversary of the tragic events in the Holy Land. The loss of life, which the United Nations estimates to be nearly 50,000, deeply grieves my heart. Without a lasting resolution, this number will only rise. The Conference of Bishops of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has endorsed a call for a permanent bilateral cease-fire in Gaza. Unfortunately, the situation has since deteriorated, with escalating violence, more deaths, and increased tensions.

Amid the ongoing conflict, we also witness the quiet exodus of approximately 2,000 indigenous Palestinian Christians annually — a community that plays a vital role in peacebuilding alongside their Jewish and Muslim neighbors. I urge all citizens to work and pray fervently for peace.

Bishop Deborah Hutterer

Grand Canyon Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

The media

During the VP debate, JD Vance was asked why he changed his mind drastically of the merits of Donald Trump, now supporting him unequivocally. I found his answer fascinating. In earlier years, he indicated he actually believed the media and their accounts of Trump. But, with honest evaluation and common sense, he realized that the liberal media has abandoned journalistic standards and has sold its soul. Basically, the liberal media has become the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. Point in case, the debate included a rule that the moderators would not fact check, but not surprisingly, they did exactly that and then muted JD Vance's microphone when he objected. The lesson is that each of us should not accept blindly the information from the liberal media without asking "does it make sense?", "does it seem realistic?" and "what does my BS monitor say"? Also, thorough fact checking from numerous sources may reveal more accurate information. Basically, facts instead of emotions.

Loyal M Johnson Jr

Oro Valley

Support Rex Scott, Pima County Supervisor

Please join me in supporting Rex Scott for Pima County District 1 Supervisor. I've known Rex for several years now, through our joint service to a regional economic development organization. He has proven himself to be an open-minded and practical leader who wants to develop our infrastructure, our schools and our people, and works to attract new businesses and their jobs to Pima County. He is a committed Democrat, yet he listens to and works with people of all political stripes. He's also willing to cross swords with fellow Democrats, as he did when he challenged and helped defeat the City of Tucson's plan to impose higher water rates on customers in unincorporated Pima County. We rarely see office holders who put service ahead of politics, but Rex is one of them. Vote for Rex, and let's continue to make Pima County an even more attractive place to live and work.

Jeff Rothstein

Oro Valley

Mexico's grifting presidents

Mexico is a country rich in natural resources. Yet, there is widespread poverty due to historical corruption of its presidents. President Salinas Gortari is reputed to have stolen billions from the national treasury. Presidents Zedillo, Calderon, and Peña Nieto were all corrupt grifters who appointed family members and close friends to positions of power. The "guardrails" to prevent corruption in the Mexican system are largely absent. The U.S. now has a candidate for president with a history of grifting, from founding a fake university to stealing from a NY Charitable Foundation.

The recent US Supreme Court decision regarding presidential immunity removes important guardrails and essentially foams the runway for large-scale grifting "the likes of which this country has never seen." Sadly, citizens who live under authoritarian rule generally end up starving, in addition to losing freedom. See North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela. Even Argentina, under strongman Javier Milei has a 50% poverty rate. Beware! Let's not be turkeys voting in favor of Thanksgiving.

Louis Hollingsworth

West side

Civics lesson

In Tuesday night's debate, V.P. candidate Vance kept referring to the Harris administration of the past four years and wondering why she didn't accomplish everything then that she is promising to do in the future if elected. A young college student, interviewed at a debate watch party afterwards, commented that it seems Vance never had a civics lesson. Vice presidents don't have policy-making power. (ever heard of the Pence administration?)

It seems to me that Vance is envisioning more power for himself than would normally be given to a vice-president. Is he planning to be the puppeteer managing Trump's movements as Trump continues his mental decline? As someone tied to the creators of Project 2025 (which Trump wants to distance himself from), is Vance going to impose his own government takeover?

In a letter I received from President Biden this week he said, "The decisions we make now will determine the fate of our Nation and the world for decades to come."

Sister Karen Berry, OSF

Supervisors' interference

The members of the Pima County Board of Supervisors who recently criticized Chris Nanos' handling of the Internal Affairs investigation process in the Garcia matter know as much about that process as a hog knows about Easter Sunday. While with PCSD, 1969-1995, I conducted both criminal and Internal Affairs investigations of members of the department. Nanos is not abdicating his responsibilities, he is appropriately holding the Internal investigation in abeyance, pending the outcome of the criminal process. It appears the Garcia case is going to trial. Accordingly, unless and until a verdict is rendered, the Sheriff should not engage in any administrative procedure that could complicate, if not compromise, the criminal prosecution. The BOS should stick to kissing babies and let the professionals handle important matters.

Weaver Barkman