
University of Limerick provost takes legal action against senior college official and his wife

G.Perez17 hr ago
Professor Shane Kilcommins, the provost and acting chief officer at the university following the resignation of its president, is taking a civil action against UL chief commercial officer Andrew Flaherty and his wife Audrey Flaherty.

Solicitors acting for Prof Kilcommins filed a plenary summons with the High Court earlier this week to initiate proceedings.

Mr Flaherty was last week placed on administrative leave at the university pending the outcome of internal processes and reviews after questions arose about his role in a controversial property deal.

Prof Kilcommins' action against Mr and Mrs Flaherty is being taken in a personal capacity.

UL declined to comment and is not a party to the case.

Prof Kilcommins and his solicitors, Limerick-based Sweeney McGann, did not respond to requests for comment.

Mr Flaherty did not respond to an attempt to contact him. Attempts to contact Mrs Flaherty were unsuccessful.

The university has been in crisis since issues around a €11.44m housing deal were first revealed in the Sunday Independent last January.

UL has admitted to a €5.2m overspend on the homes at Rhebogue, 3km from its campus, which are being used as student accommodation despite not having appropriate planning permission.

Questions have since been asked of procurement processes, possible conflicts of interest and the quality of information presented to key decision makers at the university following the overspend.

Gardaí are investigating the alleged intimidation and harassment of a person who complained about the deal. UL has also contacted gardaí about a "possible fraud" at the university.

Prof Kilcommins has been leading the university since then-UL president Prof Kerstin Mey went on extended sick leave last March.

Prof Mey resigned as president last month and will take up a new professoriate role.

Students and staff had expressed no confidence in Prof Mey over her role in the property purchase. Prof Kilcommins is expected to remain at the helm on an interim basis while issues around the property deal and a series of reviews are ongoing.

Doubts have also emerged abut Mr Flaherty's future at the college over his role in the Rhebogue purchase which is currently being examined by consultants on behalf of the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and the Comptroller and Auditor General.