
Vote to approve home rule charter [letter]

A.Hernandez2 hr ago
I am writing to urge Lancaster city residents to vote "yes" on the proposed home rule charter in the Nov. 5 election.

Due to Pennsylvania law, Lancaster city has four sources of revenue: property taxes, earned income tax, local services tax and real estate transfer tax. A home rule charter doesn't allow Lancaster to create any new taxes, but gives it more local control over these revenue sources, providing relief to those most burdened by over-reliance on property taxes: older adults, individuals on fixed incomes, low-income homeowners and renters.

Lancaster has recently experienced two trends in the housing market that have created anxiety for city residents. While housing costs soar nationwide, wealthy homebuyers have been moving here from areas with a high cost of living and outbidding local buyers, despite paying roughly the same in taxes as low-income residents struggling to get by. A home rule charter allows high-income earners to shoulder more of the cost of services and creates a more equitable tax structure.

Even when the county government performs its next assessment and reflects increasing property values in Lancaster city, state law requires the millage rate to be reduced so property taxes collected from citizens don't increase significantly in dollar terms. If the charter is approved, the administration's proposed budget suggests a slight earned income tax increase, with no property tax increases, and fewer cuts to city services than if the charter fails. It is important to note that earned income tax doesn't apply to Social Security and retirement income.

We don't know what our future will bring; we live in uncertain times, and things change fast. Giving our city more tools allows us to better respond to whatever the future brings. The charter would also give residents more tools to deliberate, petition and provide input into the lawmaking process.

A home rule charter would provide the local control necessary to respond to unexpected future events. Please vote "yes" on the proposed home rule charter on Nov. 5.

John Hursh

Lancaster City Council member