
Washington County, Tenn. Commission fills vacant District 9 seat with pushback

J.Thompson42 min ago

JONESBOROUGH, Tenn. (WJHL) — Opinions differed as the Washington County, Tennessee Commission met Monday night to discuss appointing someone to a vacant seat. David Stout was appointed to fill the District 9 seat following the death of Suzy Williams .

Sylvain Bruni, Chair of the Washington County Democratic Party, said the appointment of a candidate running in the upcoming race is election interference.

"It is interfering in the balance," Bruni said. "Let the voters decide. Let him [Stout] and other candidates run on what they have to offer to district nine. Right now, it is basically this succession plan that the GOP is imposing on district nine voters, and it's just plain wrong."

Turney Williams, Chair of the Washington County Republican Party, told commissioners during public comment that the late commissioner Suzy Williams personally wanted David Stout to fill her seat.

Stout said he is humbled and honored to serve in the seat of Williams, who was his friend for over 20 years.

"To leave the district unrepresented for that period of time would not it's not in the best interests of the people in the district nine," Stout said. "So I'll continue to campaign hard, which I have been doing. And I plan to represent everyone in the district, Republican, Independent and Democrat."

One of Stout's opponents, Democrat Raven Olson, said this appointment will have an impact on the upcoming election.

"They are providing free advertisement for a candidate who is currently interviewing for the voter's choice, and so of course it's not fair for the Washington County Commission to provide any sort of endorsement of a candidate or providing them with these free advertisements," Olson said. "They're putting their thumb on the scale."

One person who spoke during public comment mentioned appointing a caretaker in that position who does not represent Democrats or Republicans until the election.

"I think a caretaker is a great idea," Olson said. "I don't think it makes any sense whatsoever to appoint an individual that is currently running for the office. It seems clear we had a speaker tonight who talked about impropriety. At the very least we have impropriety, the appearance of impropriety. It does not make any sense for them to appoint anyone that is currently running for office, especially in a time when the voters have a choice between three candidates in this election."

Olson and Bruni also questioned why this appointment is being made now, less than 45 days before the election.

"We just don't understand the administrative burden that's taking place, why they feel the need to appoint this spot when the spot has been vacant for several months now," Olson said.

Commissioner Jim Wheeler sent News Channel 11 a statement stating the following:

Bruni said he is worried about the certification reasoning.

"I'm very shocked at the language that was used tonight as a motivation for making an appointment, which was 'we don't know when the election is going to be certified this November.' And what do they know that we don't know. What is happening here? Traditionally in Washington County, the election has been certified on schedule. The Washington County Election Commission is extremely good at its job and it's doing its job very well. And they certify the election in time without any egregious delay ever."

The commission approved Stout's appointment without any discussion. There was only one "nay".

Joy Fulkerson is also running in the District 9 race. She is running as an independent. The election is Nov. 5th.