
'We're sorry...' USAA apologizes to defrauded members, and recommits to support & services

N.Thompson51 min ago

USAA is making internal changes to how they address bank fraud and members who've become victims.

That's the word from leaders of the insurance and financial services provider.

We've reported on a number of cases involving members who lost thousands of dollars to fraud, and were disappointed with the response from the San Antonio-based financial institution.

In this latest Problem Solver report, Fox SA's Darian Trotter tells us about the latest victim who's come forward and how USAA is responding.

"It's just been, it's just been terrible," said Thomas McConnell.

For Thomas McConnell and his wife, the past two years have been hell. It's been full of financial stress after he and his wife fell victim to bank fraud.

Investigative Reporter Darian Trotter asked, "How much are you out of? $10,000," McConnell responded.

Here's how it happened.

Thomas says his wife got a text to verify a credit card purchase.

After responding 'no' she did not make the charge, she immediately got a call from someone she thought worked at USAA.

"On the caller id it said USAA," McConnell recounted.

He says his wife was asked to pass along sensitive account information.

Thinking she was talking to a USAA agent, she did.

When she checked her account, and did not see a pending charge, she called USAA to tell them about the fraud alert.

"And they said well that's not us," McConnell said.

It was in that moment she knew she'd been tricked.

Didn't take long for the couple to see their hard-earned cash transferred from their account to someone else's. Close to $10,000.

Nearly half of it was available and taken from their checking account.

The other $5,600 was charged to their USAA credit card as overdraft protection.

No alert, he says, about the unusual transaction on the checking account and that's not all.

"I didn't get an alert about my credit card being used," McConnell said.

Thomas joins a growing list of long-time USAA members who've turned to the Problem Solver, after becoming victims of bank fraud.

He too is frustrated about what he describes as lack of empathy and a lack of action from USAA to refund their money.

"For USAA to do nothing was a slap in the face to be honest," McConnell said.

Trotter asked, "How did your phone calls go to try to get the issue resolved? It was just a run-around," McConnell said. "Let me transfer you to here and I'd have to tell the story all over again."

"It makes me feel horrible," McConnell said. "This is an institution I trusted with my finances all these years."

As you might imagine when it first happened august of 2022, Thomas says he called USAA several times a day; trying to get the money back. But then like other members who've shared their story, he just gave up with no hope of being made whole.

Instead, he says he started making payments toward his credit card balance with interest.

Trotter asked, "Why have you let this go for two years now? Because I didn't feel there was anything I could do," McConnell responded.

Until he saw a series of our Problem Solver reports that focused on our efforts to help USAA members recover more than $43,000 and counting.

"You are who brought this back to the forefront for me," McConnell said. "I said I'm going to give him a call and see if he can help us."

Thomas says he turned to USAA back in the 80's, because of their strong reputation of offering financial services to military members and their families.

"They had great deals and excellent customer service," McConnell said.

For 34-years he says his experience with USAA had been great.

"Any time we had an issue, we'd call them up and they were right on it," McConnell said. "They took care of the issue."

Until now.

Fox SA did reach out to USAA on Thomas' behalf.

The financial institution addressed the over arching complaint from members of fraud we've brought forward, in a different tone from previous responses, saying in a statement, "USAA strives to be the #1 choice for the military community and their families, and we're sorry that in these instances we did not meet the level of service our members expect from us. It's important that our members' concerns are heard, and we're committed to making things right and giving members the support they deserve."

McConnell said, "Especially serving a veteran community, people who have served this country. People who have blood, sweat and tears for this country."

Thomas says USAA's renewed commitment would've helped his family 2-years ago.

After their loss, Thomas says they had to borrow money from family members to pay bills.

"Luckily we have supportive family," McConnell said.

After The Problem Solver got involved, USAA revisited Thomas's case and refunded the nearly $10,000 with interest he'd paid on the credit card.

Problem Solved in his case. However, complaints about USAA continue to pour into our Problem Solver Tip Line many of the stories don't make air, but we've continued to bring them up to USAA.

Leaders there tell us, "We understand that dealing with fraud is challenging in the best of circumstances, and these members shouldn't have to push to get their specific issues addressed. Each fraud situation is unique, and we've taken steps to expand our fraud investigation teams and resources to resolve member issues more effectively."

"We are also continuing to invest in technology, tools and staff to deliver exceptional service and, with the help of our members, we recover funds and block fraudulent transactions every day. Maintaining the confidence of our members is our highest priority. Members who believe they have experienced fraud are encouraged to reach out to us directly."