
What is the most searched side dish across the country?

B.Hernandez3 months ago
OHIO — What side dishes are you planning to serve for Thanksgiving dinner this year?

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Are they the basic or do you like to switch them up?

Google has come out with a list of the most-searched side dishes for each state across the country.

The data was compiled from Oct. 6-Nov. 6.

People seem to love casseroles, the most searched was a green-bean casserole.

The top searched side here in Ohio was scalloped potatoes.

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The full list, according to Google:

Alabama: Corn casserole Alaska: Green bean casserole Arizona: Green bean casserole Arkansas: Sweet potato casserole California: Stuffing recipe Colorado: Green bean casserole Connecticut: Green bean casserole Delaware: Stuffing recipe Florida: Sweet potato casserole Georgia: Broccoli casserole Hawaii: Bruschetta Idaho: Twice baked potatoes Illinois: Coleslaw recipe Indiana: Corn casserole Iowa: Green bean casserole Kansas: Cucumber salad Kentucky: Broccoli casserole Louisiana: Green bean casserole Maine: Green bean casserole Maryland: Corn salad Massachusetts: Green bean casserole Michigan: Sweet potato casserole Minnesota: Green bean casserole Mississippi: Green bean casserole Missouri: Stuffing recipe Montana: Homemade mac and cheese Nebraska: Twice baked potatoes Nevada: Corn casserole New Hampshire: Green bean casserole New Jersey: Cornbread recipe New Mexico: Green bean casserole New York: Roasted potatoes North Carolina: Green bean casserole North Dakota: Smoked mashed potatoes Ohio: Scalloped potatoes Oklahoma: Sweet potato casserole Oregon: Green bean casserole Pennsylvania: Mac and cheese recipe Rhode Island: Green bean casserole South Carolina: Mashed potatoes recipe South Dakota: Green bean casserole Tennessee: Potato salad recipe Texas: Green bean casserole Utah: Mashed potatoes recipe Vermont: Gratin potatoes Virginia: Cornbread recipe Washington: Green bean casserole Washington, D.C.: Roasted carrots West Virginia: Sweet potato casserole Wisconsin: Green bean casserole Wyoming: Creamy polenta ©2023 Cox Media Group