
Which modern president put in the fewest work hours? No surprise: It’s Donald J. Trump

C.Wright2 hr ago
Letters to the Editor Which modern president put in the fewest work hours? No surprise: It's Donald J. Trump

Trump records shortest work days

I am more than disgusted that The Bee would choose to run an (Sept. 13) from a Nevada newspaper about President Biden's apparent overuse of vacation days without a simple fact check. You should print a retraction or an correcting the impression left with the reader.

The fact is that of presidents since FDR, guess who has spent the shortest hours each day at the job: of course, it's golf-playing Donald J. Trump, at just over six hours a day. ( Roll Call Fact Base ). Most Americans don't get paid for eight hours of work if they come in late and leave early.

The newspaper ends its with "The American people need and deserve better." We do. We don't need Trump's lazy ways.

Nancy Schultz, Fresno

Who is really soft on crime

I find that the "soft-on-crime" mantra that is being projected on the forthcoming Kamala Harris presidency is just another example by the GOP of the pot calling the kettle black.

How many members of the outgoing Biden administration are going to need pardons before he leaves office? I remember Donald Trump needing to pardon multiple members of his own administration, while additionally pardoning a group of very nefarious individuals, some of which had been convicted of serious, violent crimes. Some of those he pardoned have already re-offended.

If re-elected, he has promised to release the criminals now incarcerated for their roles in the attack upon the Capital police on Jan. 6, 2021, while promising retribution against those who support or even donate to his opposition.

Has there ever been a more criminal, soft-on-crime president than him?

Joe Messer, Fresno

His cats and dog won't back Trump

After watching the most recent presidential debate and listening to the guy (Donald Trump) who used to have the nuclear codes talk about Haitian immigrants eating our cats and dogs, two things occurred.

I couldn't stop laughing.

And, our three cats and one small dog who were all previously on the fence about who to vote for immediately decided to vote for Kamala Harris.

Fred Oakes, Fresno

Felons hanging together

Donald Trump is a convicted felon; Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro are convicted felons.

Are convicted felons allowed to associate with each other (outside of a prison)?

Daniel Lea, Fresno

Words of our leaders

The America we know will never rise above racism until the American government eliminates the ones in office, who we generally look up to, who keep referring to individuals as "Black, white, Asian, etc. Just because one's skin is lighter or darker than another does not define us.

My blood is the same color as another, doesn't matter what t he color of skin. Our leaders need to stop referring to "Black jobs, Hispanic jobs" What does that even mean?

If you are a U.S. citizen, you are an American. If you look at most people and their heritage, you will most likely find their grandparents or great-grandparents originated from somewhere other than America.

This stupidity will never end if our leaders continue to feed into this. I found myself referring to people by the color of their skin, due to in part, that is what I continually hear. I am making a determined effort to stop that habit.

Generally, Americans respect the words of our leaders. It starts with them.