
Why did Donald Trump called MSNBC’s (and Jersey girl) Stephanie Ruhle ‘a dumb as a rock bimbo’?

A.Walker22 min ago
New York Times columnist Bret Stephens can't understand why Americans could simply reach the conclusion that Donald Trump — who orchestrated an attempted coup at the Capitol , quarterbacked a fake electors scheme, strong-armed state officials to conjure up fake votes, was convicted of 34 felonies , is an adjudicated rapist , and promotes racism and misogyny — is unfit for office.

Instead, Stephens said on HBO's Real Time, that he still needs to know more about Vice President Kamala Harris' policies and insisted that the Democratic nominee sit down for "a real interview" with, say, journalists the the New York Times, who, of course, often spent the three years of Harris' vice presidency devaluing her contributions to the current administration.

The Times, you'll recall, launched the same no-interview criticism at President Joe Biden, who rebuffed the newspaper because of its sane-washing of Trump.

"She's running against Trump," Ruhle told Stephens , host Bill Maher and the audience. "We have two choices. And so there are some things you might not know her answer to, and in 2024, unlike 2016 for a lot of the American people, we know exactly what Trump will do who he is and the kind of threat he is to democracy."

Maher joked that Stephens was "the dog we're trying to get in the car to go the vet."

When Maher tried to move on, Ruhle stopped him.

"For the last two weeks, I've been going on and on, like, I can't figure out where ... informed undecided voters are," Ruhle said. "Like, who's the person who has a list on their refrigerator of, like, 'Well, she said this, and he said ...' I'm, like, who is this person? And then I open the New York Times three days ago and it's you."

After Ruhle stuffing Stevens into a locker went viral, the exchange led to this angry post by Trump, who ripped Stephens, Ruhle and Maher on Truth Social:

"The ratings challenged Bill Maher, on his increasingly boring show on HBO, is really having a hard time coping with e is a befuddled mess, sloppy and tired, and every conversation, with B and C list guests, seems to start with, or revert back to, ME! This week he had "dumb as a rock" bimbo Stephanie Ruhle, from MSDNC, on the show, along with a Trump hating loser, Bret Stephens, who seemed totally confused and unsure of himself, very much like Maher himself. Steven's should find himself another line of work because I am driving the FAILING New York Times absolutely crazy, and it is very hard, perhaps impossible, for a writer to write well of me without suffering the wrath of the degenerate editors who, with a push from the top, have gone insane. They apologized to their readers in 2016 for their complete and total MISS, and they'll do it again in November. The FAILING New York Times is a badly run "newspaper" that has totally lost its way. Put it to sleep!"

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