Wyoming keeps taxes same
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WYOMING – At its meeting Tuesday night, borough council unanimously passed a resolution approving a $1.34 million budget for 2013 with no increase in taxes.
Council unanimously adopted an ordinance as part of the budget process fixing the assessed tax rate at 1.7905 mills for the $1,339,215 spending plan. A mill is a $1 tax for every $1,000 of assessed property valuation.
Council also unanimously adopted an ordinance setting the 2013 garbage fees at $200 per year and $190 per year for seniors. It also set a $50 late fee for late garbage payments. Stickers are available for purchase at the borough office, and half-year stickers are available.
In other action, council:
• Approved a $190,000 tax and revenue anticipation note for 2013 obtained from M&T Bank at an interest rate of 2.5 percent.
• Voted unanimously to make a $126,001 Minimum Municipal Obligation payment to the police pension fund.
• Approved a resolution to become a member of the West Side Council of Governments.
• OK’d a motion allowing police officers to buy back up to 25 sick days at half rate for this year only.
What’s Next
Borough council’s next regular meeting will be Jan. 8 at 7:30 p.m.