
New York Times Names Berkeley Pizzeria One Of The Best In Nation

D.Adams12 hr ago

BERKELEY, CA — Some of the best gourmet food in the nation is available right here in Berkeley where the Michelin Guide has 10 recommendations .

But sometimes you just feel like a burger or a slice of pizza. That doesn't mean that you need to settle for mediocre. The New York Times has come out with a list of 22 of the Best Pizza Places in the United States, and Rose Pizzeria made the list.

The was enthusiastic in its praise, "The pies put out by the married couple Gerad Gobel and Alexis Rorabaugh, who worked together in Chicago for seven years, draw from both the New York and Midwestern tavern traditions."

The recommends snagging a table on the back patio. As for the grub, "The toppings aren't flashy, but options like the She Wolf, with burrata, garlic confit, olives, capers and oregano, are deeply delicious."

One other California pizza place made the list — Pizzeria Sei in Los Angeles.

See the complete national list on The New York Times.

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