
Bloomington to consider crackdown against drivers with hefty, unpaid parking fines

L.Thompson34 min ago
BLOOMINGTON ( 25News Now ) - A couple of solutions are being offered to address parking concerns in Downtown Bloomington, including a proposal to increase the likelihood that the city will tow vehicles belonging to drivers who've accumulated the largest parking fines.

The city is owed more than $350,000 in parking fines, and a small group of 47 people owe more than $1,000 each, according to a city staff report.

Currently, the city must personally serve notice on holders of five unpaid parking tickets that their cars will be towed. The city doesn't have enough staff to serve those notices, so an amendment before the city council Monday night would permit the city to send those notices by mail.

The city addressed the proposal in an email to downtown merchants.

"To be clear, this is not an attempt to ramp up towing or go after people who get the occasional ticket. We also realize that cars are important to people's livelihoods and individuals eligible for towing will be able to enter into payment plans to avoid having a car towed," the city's email said. "But we've all witnessed individuals who choose not to take advantage of long-term parking options and to ignore fines. The goal is to pursue this group in order to free up spaces for visitors to our downtown establishments."

Also, the city council will consider increasing time limits for downtown parking from 90 minutes to two hours.

"We've heard from several of you, especially restaurants and personal service providers, that 90 minutes isn't enough time for your clients and patrons. We hope that this will help address some of the problems we've heard," city staffers said in their email to downtown merchants.