
Bridge out leaves a good walk spoiled in Slatterly Park

T.Williams2 hr ago

Dear Answer Man: I noticed recently that they have closed one of the pedestrian bridges in Slatterly Park (behind Cub Foods south). Rumor in the park is that bridge is being taken down (removed). That would surprise me; it is used a lot by people and even city employees in small motorized utility vehicles. — Concerned Park Fan.

Dear Concerned,

Nothing beats a walk in the park. So, when that walk is disrupted, it can be confusing.

Let me correct the record.

One of two Slatterly Park pedestrian bridges that spans Bear Creek, the bridge at Slatterly Park West (actually, the northern bridge) has been closed to accommodate a multi-part utility project.

According to the Rochester Public Utilities website, in order to serve an increasing need for electrical power in southern and downtown Rochester, RPU is installing a bank of ducts to connect those regions to the Marion Road substation.

The project goes from the substation through Bear Creek Park, Slatterly Park and, eventually, to Soldiers Field Park, and will include an electrical manhole and duct system that extends about two miles from the Marion Road substation into the southwest downtown area.

The Slatterly Park West portion of the project began in early September.

Our good friend Megan Moeller, spokeswoman for the city of Rochester, checked in with her pals at RPU, and got a little more information for us.

"The new electrical lines will be routed along the trail and bridge corridor in Slatterly Park," Moeller passed along from RPU.

The problem is that current bridge does not have the structural necessities to support the project's elements.

Yes, that current bridge will come down.

But fear not. Like my laundry detergent every couple of years, we're getting something new and improved.

"As part of that preparation work, which a portion is already underway at the north end of the park, the bridge will ultimately be removed and replaced with a stronger bridge," Moeller said.

She added the old bridge will not be removed until the replacement has been delivered "as this will minimize the disruption to park users."

The bridge has been closed, however, to keep clear the space near the bridge where crews are working on the duct system as it moves through the park.

In the end, folks will have better electrical infrastructure, and there will be a better bridge.

In the meantime, keep getting those steps in, keep taking those walks. The bridge on the south end of the park is unaffected by this work, so you can cross Bear Creek down there.