
Bulletin Board

D.Brown3 months ago

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Electric City Baseball and Softball Academy will host its annual Fall Baseball Little League Camp at Connell Park August 20, 21 and 22 from 9 a.m. – Noon. Cost is $85. More information: call 955-0471 or visit www.electriccitybaseball.com .

Jerry Greeley, the King’s College baseball coach, will host training and games at the Wyoming Valley Sports Dome during September and October. The program, which is open to all area players ages eight to 12, will run from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday and Thursday nights beginning September 10. Instruction and drills will provide players with sound fundamentals, disciplined work habits and drill work for personal improvement. Early registration is recommended as spots are limited. For more information, email Coach Greeley at [email protected]

Maximum Impact will be having an Advanced Hitting Clinic for all ages this Saturday August 25 from 3:30 – 5 p.m. The clinic will include vision, mental approach of hitting and power. Space is limited, there are only a few spots left! The price is $10 for the hour and a half. Call 822-1134 to register.

Maximum Impact Instructional Coach Pitch League begins September 1 for ages 5-7. Practices are held on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. for 10 weeks. Call 822-1134 for more information.

Misericordia Baseball is hosting a summer exposure camp for high school players interested in playing college baseball on Aug. 26. The camp will run from 9:30 a.m.- 4:45 p.m., and will feature the first organized baseball activity on the new Tambur Field. For details and registration form, visit athletics.misericordia.edu.  

Crestwood Football Booster Club will have its monthly meeting Aug. 22 at 7 p.m. at Tony’s Pizza. Parents of players are encouraged to attend.

Hanover Area Boys Basketball Booster Club will meet on Wednesday, Aug. 22, at 7 p.m. at Tubbies in Lee Park.

Hanover Area Youth Soccer will hold its monthly meeting Monday, Aug. 20, at 6 p.m. at the Route 29 Sports Complex. All board members are urged to attend.

PIAA Soccer Officials and high school boys and girls soccer coaches will have an annual mandatory rules interpretation meeting today at 7:30 p.m., at the McGowan School of Business at King’s College. Dr. William Walthour will preside. For more information, contact Bob Ebie at 388-6235 or email [email protected] .

Solomon/Plains will hold a cross country meeting Monday at 8 a.m. at the Solomon locker room for any boy or girl in grades 7-9 that are interested in cross country.

Wyoming Area Ice Hockey will hold its monthly parents meeting Aug. 22, West Wyoming Boro. Building at 7 p.m. WA Ice Hockey team’s annual Car Wash Fundraiser will be held Aug. 25 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at Dileo’s Service Station in Wyoming. Tickets can be purchased at $5 from any team player. Drive up sales and donations are also welcome during event.

Wyoming Valley ASA Chapter of Umpires will meet Monday, Aug. 20 at 8:15 p.m. at Konefal’s Restaurant in Edwardsville.  

Hanover Township Open has entry forms available in various businesses in the township, Ashley and Sugar Notch. This year’s event is set for Sunday, Aug. 21, with an 8 a.m. shotgun start. The tournament is open to former and current residents of the Hanover Area School District. However, one can bring up to three guests. Fee is $75 per person and includes golf, cart, prizes, food, refreshments, hat and commemorative golf balls. Hole sponsors also are being solicited by members of the committee for the two $500 scholarships that are awarded annually to deserving Hanover Area School District students. For more information, call John Zimich at 829-1086 or Jim Lohman at 829-3272.

NEPA/Abington Wildcats U16 fastpitch travel softball organization will be hosting tryouts for their fall 2012/summer 2013 teams. The team will be attending several college showcases. Tryouts will be today from 1-3 p.m. at Abington Heights High School. For more information or to schedule a private tryout, contact Vic Thomas at 351-5187, Mike Thomas at 241-7030, John Kelly at 504-4808 or by email at [email protected] .

Rollin Thunder 18-Under Softball Team will hold tryouts today and today from 10 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on both days. Tryouts will be held at the Jessup Youth Sports Complex. Check-in will start at 9 a.m. For more information or to pre-register, call Mark at 687-4735 or email [email protected] .

Wyoming Valley Flames will be holding tryouts for girls fast pitch softball on the following dates: 10U & 12U age group will be on Aug. 20 and 21 at 6 p.m., and Aug. 25 at 10 a.m. 16U age group will be on Aug 22 and 23 at 6 p.m., and Aug 25 at 11 a.m. All tryouts will be at the Ashley softball field on Conyngham St. If you are unable to make these dates or for more information, call Pat at 466-9644, Hank at 328-2643, Bernie at 239-3627, or Bob at 574-5075.

Commonwealth Medical College will host its annual golf tournament Sept. 14 at Huntsville Golf Club in Shavertown. Proceeds will benefit the TCMC student scholarship fund that will help defer the cost of medical school tuition. Registration and a continental breakfast begin at 9 a.m. followed by a shotgun start at 10 a.m. The captain and crew format is limited to 128 golfers. The cost is $300 per golfer and $1,200 for a foursome, which includes 18 holes of golf, a golf shirt, breakfast, lunch, dinner and awards ceremony. Collared shirts, slacks or Bermuda shorts are required. Sponsorships are available. For more information, call 504-9619 or to register online, go to www.thecommonwealthmedical.com/golf . If you’re unable to participate and would like to contribute to the student scholarship fund, email Nina C. Dei Tos at [email protected] .

Greater Pittston Friendly Sons of St. Patrick will host its annual Black Shamrock Open Aug. 26 at Blue Ridge Trail Golf Course. The format of the tournament is captain and crew and the entry fee is $75 per golfer. The event will kick off with a 1:30 p.m. shotgun start. Refreshments and a buffet meal following the tournament at the golf course will also be available. If interested, call president Jimmy Clancy at 881-4176 or any active member of the G.P. Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. Registration should be completed as soon as possible.

Hanover Area Football will have a chicken BBQ dinner at the Ashley Fireman’s Park today from noon to 4 p.m. The cost of the dinners is $9 and they can be purchased at the door. If you have any questions, call Sharon at 510-9190.

Knights of Columbus Council 302 of Wilkes Barre is hosting its annual charities golf tournament August 25 at Sand Springs Country Club. For more information, call Joe Licosky at 239-0133 or Jerry Nash at 262-8983.

Little Flower Manor, St. Therese Residence, and St. Luke’s Villa 13th Annual Golf Tournament
will be held at Mountain Laurel Golf Club, White Haven, Sept. 14. There will be a 1 p.m. shotgun start and the tournament will conclude with an awards dinner.

Run for the Cannoli 5K will take off today at 3 p.m. at the Queen of Heaven Parish on 13th and Vine streets in Hazleton. Cash prizes are given to the top three male and female finishers. The race runs in conjunction with the St. Mauro’s Italian Festival. All runners will receive a t-shirt, $5 in festival food tickets and a cannoli. Registration is $22 on day of race. Race applications can be obtained online at neparunner.com. For more information, call Dino Oberto at 401-8168.

Bulletin Board items will not be accepted over the telephone. Items may be faxed to 831-7319, emailed to [email protected] or dropped off at the Times Leader or mailed to Times Leader, c/o Sports, 15 N, Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0250.