
Burke school board candidates on new school, top issues in public education

E.Nelson3 hr ago

Burke County voters soon will decide which of the six candidates will be elected to four seats on the Burke County Board of Education.

Republicans running for seats are Brad Camp, Jamey Wycoff, Sonya Rockett and Jeffrey Reid Beck. Sandra Ivester Everhart is running as a Democrat, and incumbent Don Hemstreet is running as an independent.

Wycoff and Everhart are running for the at-large seat. Rockett and Hemstreet are running for the central district seat. Camp is running for the western district seat unopposed. Beck is running for the eastern district seat unopposed.

The Morganton News Herald sent questionnaires out to each of the candidates. Here are their responses.

Brad Camp

Burke County Public Schools recently received a $42 million grant to build a new school that would combine Hildebran and Icard elementary schools. Do you support this plan? Why or why not? If not, how would you address issues school leaders have cited with both buildings?

As a candidate, who is not privy to all the inside information known to the current school board and district administration, I am trusting their judgment that both Icard Elementary and Hildebran are very much in need of repair and renovation, and cannot question their judgment that the necessary work could cost up to $20 million+ for each school.

That is money which would come straight out of our budget, and money we desperately need for the education of our students. Although I certainly don't want to waste the state's money, this grant could solve the problem of both facilities, and provide a state-of-the-art elementary school for that part of our county. The biggest question is, where is that school going to be located? Certainly, we want to to be in the best setting for all our parents and students, so choosing the best location for this school is so crucial.

But ultimately, this is not a question we will likely have a chance to consider. The reality is that through the fall, the district will likely choose and purchase the land, and contract with the state for the building of the school, and we will inherit all of that in December, when our new school board takes shape. So, the question for us candidates is, what will we do with the school building project that is handed to us?

The short answer is that we will need to communicate well and regularly with teachers, staff, and administration to build the best, supportive, educational friendly environment for our students, and communicate with parents to get their input, keep them informed and help them gain a sense of ownership in their child's school and education. We need to incorporate technology into the school without spending excessive funds on pet projects and new fads. So, in conclusion, our job will be to use our wisest judgment to build the best facility that we can while keeping costs down as much as possible, and to invite and persuade our parents, students, and teachers to make this school their home.

What do you believe is the biggest issue facing Burke County Public Schools? How do you plan to address it?

As I see it, the biggest problem facing Burke County Schools is the challenge of adequately educating our students with the proper skills and academic knowledge to make the next step in their education, jobs and careers when they graduate from high school. This is so difficult because of three main factors.

The first is the incredible difficulty of attracting and retaining quality teachers, with a shrinking candidate base (less students in education majors in college), and the poor teacher pay in North Carolina. For example, in one middle school we cannot find a math teacher, and thus students are missing out on their math curriculum.

Another situation complicating the issue is the large amount of outside-of-classroom duties that are assigned to elementary and middle school teachers, which takes away their time and energy needed to prepare their lessons, contact parents, and deal with needy students.

Part of that problem is that there are not enough adults on these campuses (such as part-time aides to serve as before- and after-school monitors, hall and restroom monitors, recess and lunch monitors). When no other help is on campus, the teachers do all of that themselves. With part-time campus aides, some of the problems of student misbehavior outside the classroom will also be alleviated.

What would I do about it? I will let teachers know their time is valued, by reducing all the extra stuff they have to do through hiring part-time aides, particularly at elementary and middle schools. To ensure that we have the money, we need to examine our priorities and expenditures, and make a priority for this need. Having more adults on campus will minimize student misbehavior outside the classroom and free up teachers to teach. Our students desperately need it.

Why should Burke County voters support you?

Know that if you vote for me, you are voting for a man who has devoted his professional career to working with teachers, parents, and students, to develop students socially, emotionally, and academically to take their next steps after high school into higher education, the workforce and adult society.

You're voting for a man who has true conservative values, and will protect our students from the liberal ideology that is threatening to undermine the values and freedoms that we share and protect the privacy, safety and security of all our students, including girls in their restrooms, locker rooms and sports teams.

You're voting for a man who values honesty, accountability, responsiveness and transparency, and will give you his best efforts at all times. If you share my values, vote for me for Burke County School Board.

Don Hemstreet

Burke County Public Schools recently received a $42 million grant to build a new school that would combine Hildebran and Icard elementary schools. Do you support this plan? Why or why not? If not, how would you address issues school leaders have cited with both buildings?

I do support the construction of a new school in the eastern part of Burke County. We have two aging schools, much beloved by their communities, Icard and Hildebran. According to evaluation these schools need many repairs. The combined cost of these repairs would be in the neighborhood of $55 million, per the architect's estimation.

Through the hard work of our staff and current board, we have been able to secure $42 million from state lottery funds. This lottery money is restricted and can only be used on new construction. The new school would combine the two older schools into a single school that would offer a state-of-the-art education facility for the eastern part of the county. I think this is a good idea.

What do you believe is the biggest issue facing Burke County Public Schools? How do you plan to address it?

The biggest issue facing our school system concerns safety. In light of the recent tragic events in Georgia, we have a sad reminder of the need to make school safety a priority. The number one cause of death among young adults in the United States is gunshots. It is critical that we continue to develop measures at every school to ensure safety of all occupants.

We have a good system in place now but are constantly evaluating new technology as it becomes available. We should encourage our state legislature to adopt Alyssa's Law that would require every elementary and secondary school to be equipped with a silent panic alarm system directly linked to law enforcement. Social media plays into the safety issue. Much misinformation is spread in this way. People need to access legitimate information from the school system rather than hearsay from social media.

Why should Burke County voters support you?

Our family has been blessed to be a part of the Burke County community for over 52 years. Our four children went through our public school system and five of our grandchildren have attended. Our three youngest grandchildren are still currently enrolled.

In my practice of veterinary medicine over the years I have had the opportunity to develop a bond with people and their beloved pets. Hopefully I have gained a degree of their trust that extends to actions outside of the profession. My goal as a school board member is to be an advocate for every child and to create an atmosphere where students can safely learn, teachers can teach and administrators can administrate without fear or intimidation.

Jamey Wycoff

Burke County Public Schools recently received a $42 million grant to build a new school that would combine Hildebran and Icard elementary schools. Do you support this plan? Why or why not? If not, how would you address issues school leaders have cited with both buildings?

I am very familiar with both schools, as I attended Icard Elementary myself and have lived in the Connelly Springs/Icard community my entire life. With this background, I understand the heritage and significance of the schools to both the Icard and Hildebran communities. Currently, I see two critical factors at play.

First, assessments indicate that the cost of renovating both schools to meet the necessary codes would be nearly as high as constructing a brand-new, state-of-the-art facility. Unfortunately, these renovation costs would have to come from the Burke County Public Schools' funds, as the $42 million grant money cannot be allocated for renovations. This situation poses a significant risk: if we opt for renovations, we will lose the grant money, which we will never see again for this project. As a result, the citizens of Burke would ultimately bear the full burden of financing these renovations.

On the other hand, we cannot proceed with construction without securing suitable land that meets the needs of the new school and is conveniently located for both the Icard and Hildebran communities. The required acreage also must be substantial enough for the new building, situated outside of any flood zones, and located where traffic will not pose a problem. Until we find and purchase this suitable land, new construction would remain at a standstill.

Ultimately, since the public schools belong to the citizens of Burke County, the outcome should be based on what the communities wish to do. Therefore, it is vital for there to be public meetings held in both communities where the citizens can voice their opinions and be engaged in the process.

What do you believe is the biggest issue facing Burke County Public Schools? How do you plan to address it?

I believe the most pressing issue facing Burke County Public Schools (BCPS) today is the urgent need for increased parental involvement. A key component of the "All in Promise," outlined in the BCPS Strategic Plan, is to create meaningful opportunities for parent engagement at all levels.

Research consistently shows that students are more likely to achieve academic success when their parents actively participate in their education. Currently, many students are still struggling due to the time lost in the classroom during the COVID-19 shutdowns. Developing a collaborative plan between teachers and parents for at-home studies for these struggling students would be immensely beneficial. This cooperative effort can lead not only to improved academic outcomes but also to a reduction in disciplinary issues, which unfortunately remains a concern throughout the entire state.

Another essential aspect of the "All in Promise" is fostering two-way communication between homes and schools. As a parent of two students, I understand the daily challenges of balancing work, family, and school commitments. To keep parents engaged with school news and issues, schools could use platforms like the BCPS Facebook page, individual school Facebook pages and media outlets such as YouTube to share important information in video format. This approach would allow parents to stay informed and involved in their children's education without the constraints of traditional meetings. Such communication could be conducted monthly or whenever specific issues arise that warrant attention.

By promoting open lines of communication, schools can effectively address concerns while also celebrating successes within each individual school. Additionally, this method could provide our students with special needs — who require more opportunities for inclusion — an avenue to showcase their programs and achievements to the entire BCPS community both online and during their own designated time during board meetings.

Why should Burke County voters support you?

Three years ago, I began regularly attending all BCPS board meetings. During this time, I have gained insight into the unique challenges facing our school system. As a lifelong resident of Burke and parent of current BCPS students, the decisions made as a board member directly impact my family. I am aware of the struggles that parents face in today's world. By engaging in conversations with many Burke County parents and grandparents, I have come to appreciate the diverse concerns they have.

It is also crucial that we address the problems driving many families to alternative educational options, making BCPS the top choice for their child's education.

I have also learned about the challenges our teachers encounter, including their desire for greater parental involvement in their children's education and the need for more effective disciplinary measures in certain schools. I also bring over two decades of law enforcement experience and concepts to make schools safer.

Unfortunately, some candidates have campaigned on issues that they do not have the authority to change, such as altering state-mandated curriculums or increasing teachers' salaries. Although I would love to raise teachers' salaries, I understand the responsibilities of a school board member and have refrained from campaigning on matters outside my control for the purpose of gaining votes.

My passion to serve the people of Burke County as their school board member is a genuine desire to improve the educational system for all families, and not for political gain. I recognize that the seat on the board belongs to the people of this county, and being elected is a privilege that requires me to represent their interests faithfully. I aim to be a voice for parents, teachers, and students alike, ensuring that our school system reflects the values and needs of our community.

Sandra Ivester Everhart

Burke County Public Schools recently received a $42 million grant to build a new school that would combine Hildebran and Icard elementary schools. Do you support this plan? Why or why not? If not, how would you address issues school leaders have cited with both buildings?

At this point, there is not enough information for me to voice a recommendation on this issue. However, I believe the decision about these schools should be made on an economic basis about how it fits into the budget, impact on other demands of the school district, and on facts about what is best for students of this district.

I was at the school board meeting in August where the architect outlined the problems with the old Hildebran and Icard schools. The problems there were extensive. The costs to redo both schools were estimated to range from $50.5 million to $55.7 million, and to take at least two years plus one additional summer to redo in phased construction.

The school board has promised to hold input sessions for the parents, students and faculty involved in these two schools. And I think such input is valuable. I do not yet know the cost of building one new school, but I do support providing a better and safer learning environment for the students there with room to grow.

What do you believe is the biggest issue facing Burke County Public Schools? How do you plan to address it?

Money is going to be necessary to attract new teachers (Burke County is currently short 10 teachers), and the legislature keeps taking public school money to fund charter schools which makes it worse. We must focus on efforts to update facilities, increase graduation rates, teacher recruitment and retention and economic and educational issues.

All of this requires a lot of interface with local and state legislators. NC public schools rank close to the bottom nationwide in pay for teachers and funding for education. As a school board member, I would organize intensive lobbying efforts for funding our schools at both the local and state level, and for stopping the movement of public school funds to fund private and charter schools.

Why should Burke County voters support you?

Decisions need to be made based on economic reality and the circumstances surrounding the issues. My education and business background have trained me to think through difficult decisions and reach responsible compromise.

I know how to get things done. I know teachers. I know students. I know how to fight to recruit and retain teachers in a scarce competitive market. I know how to negotiate with competing interests. There are lots of paths to success for students whether a high school graduate or a potential PhD. Students need to develop skill sets to prepare them for civic life and for jobs of the future. I have seen the possibilities for success and how to get there.

Sonya Rockett

Burke County Public Schools recently received a $42 million grant to build a new school that would combine Hildebran and Icard elementary schools. Do you support this plan? Why or why not? If not, how would you address issues school leaders have cited with both buildings?

Based on the limited information available to the public on the new school and the evaluation of the existing schools, a firm opinion is difficult to state.

One obvious problem is securing an acceptable, affordable tract of land in the right location within the community. Ideally, an additional evaluation of existing schools along with more research on the new building is needed before I can commit support to either scenario.

We also need more input from the affected communities to understand how each scenario would affect them. Ultimately, my decision will be based on the whole of these findings. All those affected, students, teachers, school staff and parents, are entitled to have the best possible environment for success of our students.

What do you believe is the biggest issue facing Burke County Public Schools? How do you plan to address it?

I believe there are several issues intertwined to create a larger issue within our public schools. A combination of teacher retention, discipline and communication between school staff and families creates a level of frustration for all involved. We need to delve into the issues from all areas to determine how best to improve these. Establishing the relationships needed with staff, student and parents is essential to success of our schools and each student. This includes full transparency from the school level through all parts of the school system. No issues can be resolved if we don't bring them forward. I hope to bring a level of transparency to the position that, so far, hasn't been achieved.

Why should Burke County voters support you?

As a member of the Burke County School Board, I will focus on passing policy that ensures our students receive a strong foundational education, while advocating against any radical progressive social or gender ideologies, giving each student the opportunity to succeed on his or her own merit. I will also focus on a learning environment for our students this is safe and as protected as possible. I will be a more proactive voice in the central district seat, listening to your input and representing the community's perspective. I will bring a discerning eye to budgetary and spending, to help ensure as much of our tax dollars as possible are used for the direct education of our students.

Jeffrey Reid Beck

Beck did not return a candidate questionnaire. He said anyone with questions could contact him directly.

Chrissy Murphy is a staff writer and can be reached at or at 828-432-8941.

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