
Business Agenda

R.Johnson3 months ago

Sunday, November 04, 2001 Page: 9D

Great Valley Technology Alliance: Forum featuring Dr. Michael Luger, who
will speak on Economic Development Challenges for Northeastern Pennsylvania:
Is Information Technology an Appropriate Path? Luger is professor of public
policy, business and planning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill. He also was raised in Scranton and has served as planner for the city of
Scranton’s Model Cities Bureau; 8:30-10 a.m. Monday, Victoria Inns & Suites,
Route 315, Pittston Township. 342-7711; fax 347-6262;

Practical nursing admissions testing: Career Technology Center of
Lackawanna County. Admissions testing for March 2002 practical nursing class,

Pennsylvania One Call: Statewide nonprofit damage prevention organization
is having free educational programs designed to prevent damage to underground
utilities. They are designed for those involved: for contractors and designers
(the evening of Nov. 14), facility owners (the morning of Nov. 15) and
Emergency Management Agency personnel (the evening of Nov. 15). All are
scheduled at the Woodlands Inn & Resort, Plains Township. Call (800) 248-1786,
extension 7103. Registration is required; the deadline is Wednesday.

The Family Business Forum: Keep or Sell Your Business ... and the New Rules
of Succession Planning, 8-11 a.m. Thursday, Burke Auditorium, William G.
McGowan School of Business, King’s College, Wilkes-Barre. Registration is
required. Call Patrice R. Persico at 208-5972.

E-file tax seminars: Internal Revenue Service and state Department of
Revenue, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesday, Harrisburg, and Thursday, Pittsburgh. To
register or for information, call Lea Zacharka, IRS senior tax specialist, at
(215) 861-1664 or write to her via e-mail at [email protected] .

Worldwide Lessons in Leadership: Annual closed-circuit presentation by
national business practitioners and authorities, 10:45 a.m.-5:30 p.m.,
Wednesday, Cinemark at Montage Mountain. Hosted by Johnson Technical
Institute. $199 per person. (Reduced rates available for groups.) Call (800)

Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence: President’s Breakfast speech by Erming Zu,
Ph.D., of the Center for International Business at the University of Scranton,

Business Administration, Renmin University of China, Beijing, is teaching
international business and promoting course work and research on the study of
China at the University of Scranton during the 2001-02 academic year. The
event is open to the public. For information, call 941-4048.

Retirement planning: Seminar explaining the benefits of a rollover IRA, 7
p.m. Dec. 4, Pittston Memorial Library, 47 Broad St., Pittston. John Battista,
financial adviser, Prudential Securities. 654-9565.

The Times Leader announces events in the business community. Send
announcements to Business Agenda, c/o Pamela C. Turfa, Times Leader, 15 N.
Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 or fax to Business Agenda at 829-5537. Please
include a phone number. For publication Sunday, submissions must be received
by noon the preceding Wednesday.