Cameron University commences second day of Vet Fest
J.Mitchell22 min ago
LAWTON, Okla. (KSWO) - Cameron University celebrating Veterans Week with collaboration different organizations and Fort Sill. Today they continue have different events with guest speakers discuss different topics with our veterans at McMahon Centennial Complex. There are 7,000 flags are placed across campus to honor current and passed veterans. Big Deuce the Donkey and Short Round the Goat the Mascots are were representing the Fort Sill at The Cameron University Representative tell us how important for university have a relationship with Fort Sill. "Our veterans have served, and they had giving so much to our country and so we feel like we are in the special place in Lawton Fort Sill," said Coordinator of Veterans Affairs Vicki Henson. "We want to make this so special week for our veterans and our active duty service members, and Fort Sill we are so excited for such a wonderful partners." They appreciate Fort Sill partnership and they will continue to do great things with them and for their soldiers and families. Cameron always happy to help veterans with information how to use VA benefits.
Read the full article:https://www.kswo.com/2024/11/07/cameron-university-commences-second-day-vet-fest/