
Centex football squads strike balance during summer break

J.Nelson9 hr ago

The summer break is about halfway over, and several Central Texas squads have been hard at work transitioning from time away from school toward shifting gears into preseason preparations. With the first half of workouts, as well as the 7-on-7 football season out of the way, teams will be back to work following the Fourth of July, ramping up to preseason practice.

However, for some squads it's just as important for players and coaches to enjoy the break.

"We want our kids to be kids, but also at the same time, if they're in town, to come out here and work out with their teammates," said China Spring head coach Tyler Beatty. "The biggest thing that I tell all coaches and kids is, if you're in town we would love to have you come by, get a workout, coach some kids up, get ready for your next season. Whatever it is. If you're out of town, then go be a kid, go be a dad, enjoy that time because, you know, you're here all the time — you don't get time back."

Over time, programs have gotten good at planning for the summer ahead of time and have no problem finding that balance. Most workouts are in the morning to free up the majority of the day for other things, and to avoid the hottest part of Texas' notorious summers. But mentality is slowly shifting back toward football.

"You're going pretty quick, and as opposed to offseason when you're usually trying to lay a foundation to what your routine's going to do, now you're trying to ramp toward the season," said Waco High head coach Linden Heldt. "So, I think there's a slightly different mentality than what you do January until May. Then you make a shift here in June, July and August to really get orientated and get ready for the season. That includes changing the dynamics of what you're doing on the field, maybe getting a little more running in, knowing the kids are going to have to be in the heat a little but more, so getting them acclimated to that."

Heldt and Beatty noted turnout had been high at both the high school and middle school level. According to Beatty, participation in football is on the rise at China Spring. The Cougars have over 200 players between ninth and 12th grade getting ready for football as well as more than 100 middle schoolers.

"For a school China Spring's size that's exceptional," Beatty said. "There are some 5As, 6As, across the state, depending on where you are, that do not have those participation numbers. That gets me fired up the most. It says a lot. It says a lot about the kids' enjoyment or excitement about football. It says they trust the coaching. And that is super rewarding.

"We haven't talked about plays or how we're going to score points or how we're going to stop people yet, and that will come, but we're all working together for the same goal and that's to be the best China Spring team we can be and allow our leadership — our seniors — to find out what it means to lead a team. Because a lot of guys don't know what that means until the previous class has graduated."

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