Clip of Mansfield interview reaches the big time
Mansfield, Pa. — A couple in Mansfield are going viral after their interview with a local news station aired on HBO Sunday night.
"Last Week Tonight with John Oliver" opened with clips from various news outlets highlighting voters suffering from election fatigue. The now-infamous clip was from an interview with a young man and woman by a reporter with WYDC , the Big Fox network of the Twin Tiers.
"It's turning out to where my generation doesn't want to vote," the woman told the reporter.
But it's not the woman who grabbed the attention of one of HBO's biggest late night talk show hosts — it's the man standing silently beside her, wearing a vulgar T-shirt with "Don't bully me I'll ***" on the front.
"I'm going to chose to believe that that woman is not the voice of her generation because that voice is obviously standing right beside her! What a shirt!" Oliver said on his latest episode.
"I have so many questions, from why did no one at the local news station catch that, to did he not realize he was wearing that shirt when the camera crew stopped him, or did he very much realize and that was the only reason he stopped?" Oliver continued.
Although the location and the interviewees aren't identified, those familiar with downtown Mansfield immediately recognized the line of brick buildings along North Main Street housing Penn Oak Realty and the Yorkholo Brewing Company.