
Connecticut Patch Candidate Profile: Kim Becker For State Rep

Z.Baker30 min ago
Connecticut Patch Candidate Profile: Kim Becker For State Rep Kim Becker shares with Patch why she should be elected to the 62nd House District seat in Granby, Hartland, New Hartford and Barkhamsted.

GRANBY, CT — Election Day on Nov. 5, 2024, is fast approaching, and there are a number of key races on the ballot in Connecticut.

Patch reached out to candidates for office to get more information on their campaigns and the issues that are facing the state and town.

Candidate's Name: Kim Becker

What office are you seeking? State Representative


Campaign website

What city or town do you live in? North Granby, CT

Party affiliation: Democrat; also endorsed by the Working Families Party

: Master in Social Work, Virginia Commonwealth University; Certificate in Nonprofit Management, George Mason University; BS in Communications, Boston University

: Stay at home mom and Chair, Granby Education Foundation (5 yrs, 9 on board)

: Chris, my husband of 26 years, and I moved to Granby 16 years ago with our children to be close to my parents. We are so grateful that we made this decision because my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease a few years after we moved here. Our family is fortunate we had these years with him and my stepmother before he passed last year. Our daughter is a now a college junior and our son is a high school senior..

Does anyone in your family work in politics or government?

Previous public office, appointive or elective: I serve on the Granby Commission on Aging.

: 52

Why are you seeking this office?

As an engaged community member who serves on many boards and commissions, I know this area and its residents well. I speak with people every day who are proud of this district, their friends and neighbors, and want to stay in their communities. Affordability is the key issue: easing the property tax burden, building respectful affordable housing for seniors, fairly funding our public schools, or supporting our local police and volunteer fire and ambulance services. Rather than fighting the culture wars, I will work across the aisle to create policies that help small towns and make life in Connecticut more affordable. As a member of the majority, I will have a seat at the table with the leadership to move those policies forward.

What do you believe is the No. 1 issue facing Connecticut, and how do you plan to address it?

As I speak with residents across the district, affordability is always the number one issue. Seniors want to stay in their communities but have nowhere to downsize. This limits the housing stock available to young families and leads to declining school enrollment. Add to this Connecticut's regressive tax structure and it's a recipe for disaster in small towns. I will work with other representatives from small towns to ensure our voices are heard by leadership, create solutions around affordable senior housing, and tackle regressive property taxes as we make investments in our public schools and public safety. I aim to work for residents on the issues that impact their everyday lives and make smart investments in our state's, and our children's, future

There have been an alarming number of deaths on Connecticut's roadways. Is there anything from a legislative standpoint that can be done to address that?

As a board member of Granby Ambulance Association and mother of a volunteer EMT, it is heartbreaking to see the numerous serious injuries and deaths on our roadways. Along the country roads of the 62nd district, I have personally encountered more speeding and reckless driving. It is my understanding that most police departments are understaffed and our small towns do not have the technological options available to larger communities. I will work with local law enforcement to determine the best practices for our towns and to ensure that staffing levels are appropriate and are resources are allocated to slow down drivers.

What are the major differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?

For 16 years, I have served in my community, starting as a room parent and Girl Scout troop leader and continuing to this day as Chair of the Granby Education Foundation, Member of the Commission on Aging, Vice President of Stony Hill Village, and board member of Granby Ambulance Association. I am passionate about this district and work hard to create opportunities for our residents. I am inspired by the needs I see and the people I meet to fight for the issues important to them: revising the regressive tax structure, fairly funding public schools, building respectful affordable housing for seniors, and supporting our local public safety institutions. We have seen for years that instigating the culture wars in Connecticut does nothing to relieve the burdens of our residents. My energy will focused on making our state more affordable and solving the problems that residents face everyday. The 62nd district needs a committed representative focused on resolving residents' problems while working toward a future that keeps our young people in the state, supports our families, and respects our seniors as they age.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

Over the past 16 years, I have consistently delivered strategic thinking, consensus building, and results to Granby. For example, I lead the Granby Education Foundation through the covid pandemic, creating the 'Stay at Home Art Show' for students to display their talents in the arts online. While many nonprofits closed or curtailed their activities, GEF remained relevant and consistent in our fundraising. When the public schools reopened, we were able to support our educators and students through diverse grants: a state of the art TV production studio at Granby Memorial High School, a virtual presentation by a Holocaust survivor for 8th grade students, and a community screening of 'Hidden Figures' followed by a facilitated discussion, among several other projects. I use my MSW every day to build relationships, develop creative solutions to problems, and bring those solutions to fruition. These skills are much needed at the State Capitol. I will work with representatives from all parties to focus on the issues important to Connecticut residents and our state's future. Becoming the 62nd district's state representative is a continuation of my public service and commitment to our residents and Connecticut.

Is there anything else you would like voters to know about yourself and your positions?

The voters I speak with are concerned that legislators are too partisan and do not work together to solve the issues that are important to them. As your state representative, I will represent all of our residents, work across the aisle on the issues that they told me are the most important to them, and see the process through to completion. Our residents deserve good schools, housing options for seniors, supported public safety institutions, and well-balanced tax structure. I ask to continue my public service in Hartford so their voices will be heard and their needs addressed.