
CPW asks public for assistance in locating Pueblo West poacher

S.Martin8 hr ago

Colorado Parks and Wildlife is searching for the person responsible for shooting and killing a pronghorn in Pueblo West in what officials have deemed an act of poaching, according to a Tuesday news release.

Parks and Wildlife officials said early in the morning of Sept. 1 a dead pronghorn was discovered shot roughly 80 yards from the road that leads to the Swallows State Wildlife Area.

"This was a senseless act where someone willfully killed this animal and just left it," Gretchen Holschuh, district wildlife manager for the Pueblo West region, said in the release.

"These are poachers, not hunters, and we are going to investigate this fully."

Illegally killing or injuring wildlife carries the consequence of an array of charges including harassment of wildlife, hunting big game without a license, illegal taking of wildlife, and careless use of a firearm among other charges.

According to Holschuh, a person convicted of such acts could face a fine between $750 and $13,000 and up to six months in jail.

CPW is asking anyone carrying information regarding the poaching act to contact officials by calling 877-265-6648, or by email at .

"A reward of up to $500 is available if the information leads to an arrest or citation," officials said.