
C-Span Caller Says the Quiet Part Out Loud About How the Left Feels About the Trump Assassination Attempt

C.Nguyen2 hr ago
There is nothing like C-Span. For most Americans, those who are normal and not political junkies, it is the most boring network ever. Watching paint dry is generally more entertaining until you get the shouting matches between lawmakers on committees, insanity spewed by Squad members on the House floor, and those who call into the Washington Journal saying the quiet part out loud about the recent assassination attempt against Donald Trump.

'Willie from Louisiana,' a Democrat, called into the program yesterday to deliver this unfiltered take: Ryan Wesely Routh, Trump's would-ve assassin at West Palm Beach, Florida, should've taken the shot.

Mr. 'Willie' claims to be a very patriotic American who served 20 years in the military, including tours in Vietnam. He loves his country so much that he endorses political violence against those with whom he disagrees. Forget the ironic endorsement of something antithetical to American values.

The host asks if 'Willie' is advocating violence, to which he replies he'd rather frame it as defending his country. He was cut off after that. Yet, 'Willie from Louisiana' isn't alone: about one-third of Democrats hoped Trump had been killed (via The Blaze ) [emphasis mine]:

The other two-thirds of Democrats were too afraid to say what was really on their mind. But the polls showed there are millions of Democrats willing to take up arms against us because of political differences.