
CT Patch Candidate Profile: Jason Buchsbaum For State Rep

E.Wilson28 min ago
CT Patch Candidate Profile: Jason Buchsbaum For State Rep Jason Buchsbaum shares with Patch why he should be elected to serve the 69th House District.

SOUTHBURY, CT — Election Day on Nov. 5 is fast approaching, and there are a number of key races on the ballot.

Patch reached out to candidates for office to get more information on their campaigns and the issues that are facing the towns, cities and state.

Candidate's Name: Jason Buchsbaum

What office are you seeking? State Representative


Campaign website

What city or town do you live in?

Party affiliation:

: B.A. Political Science, Magna Cum Laude, The George Washington University Juris Doctor, with High Honors, University of Connecticut School of Law

: Attorney (19 years)

: My wife, Lauren, and I met at UCONN Law School and have been married for 18 years. We are raising two sons who attend Region 15 schools. They are 10 and 13 years old.

Does anyone in your family work in politics or government? No.

Previous public office, appointive or elective

Southbury Board of Selectmen, 2015-present (Chairman Pro Tempore of Board, 2021-present); Local Emergency Planning Committee (2015-present); Charter Revision Commission, Vice Chairman (2013-2014); Board of Education (2007-2009)

: 44

Why are you seeking this office?

I am running to continue my service to my community, and to make a positive impact on our State government for both current residents and future generations. We need to change the mindset in Hartford, bring common sense back to policymaking and fresh ideas to the table to build an affordable, stronger, safer, and more prosperous Connecticut.

What do you believe is the No. 1 issue facing Connecticut, and how do you plan to address it?

The number one issue facing Connecticut is affordability. Our state has become too expensive. Electricity costs, taxes, costs of living are all out of control. Tackling this multifaceted issue requires hard work to achieve common sense solutions. It will require a mindset shift in Hartford, with a more balanced legislature that understands how to best stimulate our economy by reducing excessive taxes on residents, fighting against unfunded mandates, and making our state more business friendly.

An area of major concern right now is electricity costs. I have added my voice to the call for a special session to implement much needed changes that would provide immediate relief to ratepayers. This will be a top priority of mine as a legislator, and the residents of the 69th District can count on me to be a strong, common sense voice to advocate for them and make a positive impact to benefit us all.

There have been an alarming number of deaths on Connecticut's roadways. Is there anything from a legislative standpoint that can be done to address that?

This is a serious problem in our state that appears to be worsening. It is an important issue in the 69th District, especially on Route 7 in New Milford and I-84 through Southbury. There are short and long term solutions, some of which are in the control of the legislature. We need to implement additional traffic safety measures and engage in traffic safety audits to fully analyze the issue and develop appropriate solutions. Short term, we should focus on enforcement, awareness, and ensuring appropriate penalties for those who violate traffic laws.

We also need to support our law enforcement by passing legislation that allows them to hold people accountable for their bad actions, including traffic safety violations, aggressive driving, and driving under the influence. Our law enforcement professionals need to be provided the tools and resources they need to do their job, and I have a strong track record of doing that locally, which has earned my campaign endorsements from the Southbury Police Union and the CT Fraternal Order of Police.

We also need to plan now for the long-term. The State's infrastructure is dated, traffic patterns and habits are changing, and we need to take that into account in future planning, to reduce congestion and assure our roadways are designed with safety in mind.

What are the major differences between you and the other candidates seeking this post?

There are several ways that distinguish my candidacy and make me the best qualified and suited to be the next State Representative for the 69th District.

I am currently in an elected position in Southbury Town Government as a member of the Board of Selectmen, a position I have held for the past 9 years. I currently serve as the Chairman Pro Tempore of the body. Residents have had the opportunity to see me in action over this long period, and I am proud to have earned a consistent, positive reputation as a common sense leader who can get things done in a way that is fair, collaborative, and effective, always prioritizing the best interests of residents over all else.

My professional experience also sets me apart; I am a current law firm partner and currently serve as town counsel to certain Connecticut municipalities. This expertise allows me to quickly and effectively interpret existing legislation and draft and advocate for new legislation to best serve the residents of our district.

Additionally, as a lifelong Connecticut resident, business owner, and husband and father of two children in public school, I am the candidate who best understands the needs of the residents of our District, and I am committed to seeing that our small towns have a strong voice to advocate on our behalf in Hartford.

One other key and disappointing difference as of this writing is: I added my voice months ago to the call for a special legislative session to immediately address skyrocketing electricity rates, and my opponent has not (and has publicly spoken against it). The status quo is not acceptable. I believe we need to change the mindset in Hartford.

What accomplishments in your past would you cite as evidence you can handle this job?

Throughout my time in public service, I have focused on common sense, nonpartisan solutions, always prioritizing the best interests of the community. I have worked hard to build consensus amongst board members from both parties, and am proud of our accomplishments in Southbury. I have stepped up when necessary to lead through challenging times and have always strived to bring our community together, promoting positivity and emphasizing our shared values and purpose, rather than allowing negativity and divisiveness to control. It's become too common in politics for one party to blame the other – I strive to stay above that which allows me to be most effective in the work that needs to get done.

Those who have observed me in action see that I am present in our community, engaged and always there to listen to residents and take action on their behalf. I use my legal background to dig deep on every issue, study facts, and come to an independent determination of the issues at hand. I am passionate about what I do and have the commitment and energy to do the hard work that is needed in Hartford.

During my time in office, Southbury has seen increased services with controlled spending, low taxes, increased bond ratings, and increased collaboration in the region.

I was a key participant in the recent effort to transition the Southbury Police Department to an independent police department and the hiring of Southbury's first police chief, a public safety enhancement for the community.

I also have led efforts on behalf of our Board to successfully lobby against legislation that would have negatively impacted our school district.

These qualities are much needed in Hartford and I have a long, proven record of being able to work with others to get things done on behalf of our residents.

Is there anything else you would like voters to know about yourself and your positions?

I am a lifelong Connecticut resident and have been engaged in public service my entire adult life. Over the last nine years, it has been a privilege to serve the people of Southbury as a Selectman. I am running for State Representative to expand my service to the greater community to help build an affordable, stronger, safer and more prosperous Connecticut. I will advocate for residents of the 69th District each and every day as we work together to build a better Connecticut within which to live, work, raise a family and retire. I hope that I can earn your vote in this election.