
Dear Abby: Do I need to ask friend’s permission to date his ex-girlfriend?

D.Davis1 hr ago
DEAR ABBY: I used to hang out with my friend "Brian" and his girlfriend, "Jenny." We all lived together and would spend almost every weekend together. They broke up and went their separate ways 14 years ago. Jenny is single, and Brian has a steady girlfriend now. I still talk to them both, but not often.

Jenny messaged me recently on social media. We shared some photos and talked about the past and present. She said she has her own place and is doing well. I suggested that maybe I'd stop by one night after work. She said she'd like that and sent me her phone number to set up the date and time.

My question is: Should I visit her, and what if something sexual happens? (Trust me, I wouldn't rule it out.) Should I ask Brian for his permission? Are Jenny and I heartless for wanting to meet up? - PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE FRIEND

DEAR FRIEND: Because you are uneasy about crossing some kind of boundary if you visit Jenny and there is chemistry, contact Brian and say, "Hey, guess what. I reconnected with Jenny and she invited me over. Do you have any objection to that?" I cannot see how, 14 years after their romance ended, he would have an objection. Then visit Jenny, and que sera, sera.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.


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