

E.Nelson5 hr ago
NOTICE OF SALE§§COUNTY OF MCLENNAN§BY VIRTUE OF a judgment decree of the District Court of McLennan County, Texas, in the hereinafternumbered and styled causes and at the request of the taxing units and to me directed and delivered as Constableof said Court, I will on the 3rd day of December, 2024, at the Courthouse Steps, at 2:00 PM on said day, proceedto sell for cash to the highest bidder all of the right, title, and interest to the following described real estate asprovided for by the ll of the following properties being located in McLennan County, Texas and each property being moreparticularly described on an instrument recorded in the Volume and Page reference (V /P ) or documentnumber of the Deed Records, McLennan County, Texas.#CAUSE##§ 34.05 cGregor ISD vAudie Meadows4.00 Acres, more or less, G. H. Demoss Survey (V364/P62),(Bid in Trust 11/5/2024)$26,300.00This sale will be conducted to satisfy the judgment(s) for delinquent property taxes and accrued penalties andinterests due on the properties described herein, and for all costs of court and sale.DATED the 6 day of November, 2024, at Waco, TexasWALT STRICKLANDConstable, McLennan County, TexasBy:APRIL LINGO, Deputy ConstableYou may contact the attorney for the taxing units at (254) 756-7755.