
DeLa Express Pipeline to become longest in Texas, raising eminent domain concerns

S.Martinez40 min ago
ODESSA, Texas (KOSA) - Plans for the new Dela Express natural gas pipeline are moving forward. This massive project will stretch from Reeves County in West Texas to Orange County on the eastern border, spanning 645 miles across 31 counties, making it the longest natural gas pipeline in Texas. It will surpass the Permian Highway Pipeline, which runs 430 miles.

The Dela Express promises significant economic benefits for the oil and gas industry. However, it raises concerns among property owners due to the impact of eminent domain. Nearly 13,000 acres of land will be affected along the proposed route, leading to anxiety among landowners about fair compensation and property rights.

Matt Coday, Founder and President of the Oil and Gas Workers Association, highlighted the benefits of the project.

While the pipeline promises economic opportunities for oil companies, the process of acquiring land through eminent domain is a pressing issue for property owners. Landowners along the route will first receive a survey request, notifying them that their property is within the project's path. Following that, pipeline companies typically offer to purchase the necessary land, often at rates below market value.

Kyle Baum, a partner at Marrs Ellis & Hodge LLP in Austin, emphasized the need for property owners to seek legal counsel when dealing with pipeline companies.

While landowners cannot stop the project or alter its course, they are entitled to compensation. This includes payment for the land taken and any reduction in the remaining property's value due to the pipeline.

For those along the proposed pipeline route, it is highly recommended to consult with a lawyer who specializes in eminent domain cases to protect their rights and ensure they receive fair compensation.