
Egret Takes Flight At Wildlife Refuge: Photos Of The Day

J.Mitchell33 min ago

FREMONT, CA — Marce Weber shared three photos that she took recently at Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge in Fremont. The refuge is an oasis for wildlife and scenery, featuring miles of trails. It's a special place to watch birds in their natural environment as they hunt, mate and nest in the wetlands.

Thank you for submitting your photos, Marce.

Also See:

  • Yosemite National Park In All Its Glory: Photo Of The Day
  • Sun Peeks Over The Horizon Of Mission Peak: Photo Of The Day
  • Fowl Visitor To Alameda: Photo Of The Day
  • If you have an awesome photo of nature, breath-taking scenery, kids caught being kids, a pet doing something funny, or something unusual you happen to catch with your camera, we'd love to feature it on Patch.

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