
Experts explain why the Fourth of July has become one of the deadliest days of the year

J.Jones14 hr ago
LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) - Violence and shootings often happen more often in the summer months. Those with the Gun Violence Archive said the Fourth of July has become one of the Nation's deadliest days of the year.

"I don't think we're going to have a small week of shootings this year. I think it's going to blow up as the week continues," said Mark Bryant.

Mark Bryant's job is to study gun violence, when and where we see the most shootings, and eventually to figure out the why. He's learned that since 2019, the number of people killed in mass shootings on the week and weekend of Fourth of July has increased every year, from 318 killed to 450 last year.

"It's heat. It's proximity to weapons. Its anger, lots of anger. This year we're seeing more based upon social media stuff, there's political angst going around."

A shooting near Lexington's Fourth of July Parade was one of several Thursday alone. Two women were killed in Chicago, a police officer was killed in Cleveland, and an armed person making threats was killed after injuring a park ranger in Yellowstone National Park.

But the week has seen many others killed or wounded in shootings across the country.

"Are people afraid to go out? They should not be."

Bryant said we've seen an overall drop in violent crime from 2022 to 2023, but mass shootings are up. And historically, Fourth of July is one of the nation's deadliest days of the year. Bryant said you just have to take some precautions to enjoy the holiday.

"They should be situation ally aware. Everyone should pay attention. It's like when you go into a theater, you know where the exits are. That goes for outside in a parade, as well. Know where you can find cover fast. I see too many people with their heads in their smartphone and that's a good way to get hurt."

Bryant will collect data from shootings that occur between July 1st and July 7th this year.